

少儿英语指南    2018-12-29 17:32:55






The cat and the mouse played in the malt-house(一只猫和一只老鼠在麦芽厂里玩耍),The cat bit the mouses tail off(然后猫就把老鼠的尾巴咬掉了)。“Pray puss give me my tail.”(于是老鼠求猫还给他),“No says the cat,“Ill not give you your tail till you go to the cow and fetch me some milk.”(这只猫不答应,要求老鼠帮他拿一些牛奶才会还给她)。


First she leapt, and then she ran till she came to the cow, and thus began,“Pray cow, give me milk, that I may give cat milk, that cat may give me my own tail again.”(马上老鼠就离开去找奶牛了,她请求奶牛给她一些牛奶以便于换回她的尾巴)。“No said the cow, I will give you no milk till you go to the farmer and get me some hay.”(然后这只奶牛说不行,除非老鼠帮他拿一些干草)。



First she leapt, and then she ran, till she came to the farmer, and thus began(老鼠又跑到了农夫面前求一些干草)“No, says the farmer, Ill give you no hay till you go to the butcher and fetch me some meat.”(而农夫也是说不行,他让老鼠帮拿一些肉来)。


First she leapt, and then she ran till she came to the butcher, and thus began(她又离开去找屠夫求屠夫给她一些肉)“,“No, says the butcher, Ill give you no meat till you go to the baker and fetch me some bread.”(屠夫同样要求老鼠给他一些面包作为交换筹码)。


First she leapt, and then she ran, till she came to the baker, and thus began(老鼠再次离开并且快速跑向面包师要面包),“Yes, says the baker, Ill give you some bread. But if you eat my meal, Ill cut off your head.”(幸运的是面包师答应了老鼠的要求,不过他也说若是老鼠偷吃的话,就会把老鼠的头砍下来)。


这个英语童话故事最后的结局是:Then the baker gave mouse bread,  first mouse gave butcher bread and butcher gave mouse meat(然后面包师就将面包给了老鼠,老鼠拿着面包去屠夫那里换来了肉),  then mouse gave farmer meat and farmer gave mouse hay(老鼠又将肉拿给了农夫,农夫换了一些干草给她), later mouse gave cow hay and cow gave mouse milk(老鼠将干草给了奶牛换来了牛奶), finally mouse gave cat milk and cat gave mouse her own tail again(最后老鼠将牛奶给了猫换回了自己的尾巴)。
