

词库    2019-02-28 19:04:14



英音 [nekst] 美音 [nɛkst]


adj. 紧接在后的;次于的;贴近的;紧邻的;

adv. 接下去;然后;居后地;依次的;

n. 下一位;下一个;

prep. 靠近;居于…之后;在…的隔壁;


  1. immediately following in time or order;

    "the following day"
    "next in line"
    "the next president"
    "the next item on the list"

  2. nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space;

    "had adjacent rooms"
    "in the next room"
    "the person sitting next to me"
    "our rooms were side by side"

  3. (of elected officers) elected but not yet serving;

    "our next president"

  1. at the time or occasion immediately following;

    "next the doctor examined his back"

next world n. (前面与the连用)阴间;来世;
find next v. 查找下一个;
next door n. 隔壁;间壁;
next-best adj. 仅次于最好的,居第二位的;
come next 继而是,随着,跟着;
next week adv. 下星期;
next time n.& adv. 下次;
What next? 下一步会怎么样呢?;
next-door adj.& adv. 邻家(的);隔;
next to adv. 几乎; prep. 紧邻;在…近旁;仅次于;紧接;
next to the lowest 第二低的;
next devisee [法] 剩余遗产受赠人;
for-next [电] 再一次;
next record [计] 下一个记录;
next year 明年;转年;来年;
next bit [计] 下一位;
next spring 来年春季;
next period [经] 下期;
next brother [计] 下一个兄弟;
