

词库    2019-02-28 19:03:39



英音 [ru:t] 美音 [rut, rʊt]


n. 根,根源;原因,本质;祖先;[乐]和弦基音;

vt. 使生根;使固定;根源在于;欢呼,喝彩;

vi. 生根;根除;


  1. (botany) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes; absorbs water and mineral salts; usually it anchors the plant to the ground

  2. the place where something begins, where it springs into being;

    "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"
    "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"
    "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"
    "communism's Russian root"

  3. (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed;

    "thematic vowels are part of the stem"

  4. a number that, when multiplied by itself some number of times, equals a given number

  5. the set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equation

  6. someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)

  7. a simple form inferred as the common basis from which related words in several languages can be derived by linguistic processes

  8. the part of a tooth that is embedded in the jaw and serves as support

  1. take root and begin to grow;

    "this plant roots quickly"

  2. come into existence, originate;

    "The problem roots in her depression"

  3. plant by the roots

  4. dig with the snout;

    "the pig was rooting for truffles"

  5. become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style;

    "He finally settled down"

  6. cause to take roots

alumroot n. 矾根草;
arrowroot n. 竹芋粉;
balsamroot n. 香根(产于美国西部);
beetroot n. 甜菜根;
birthroot n. 直立延龄草(其根可用作催产药);
bitterroot n. 一种齿苋;
bloodroot n. (北美洲产的一种)罂粟科植物;血根草;
breadroot 食用补骨脂(一种多年生豆科草本植物(食用补骨脂补骨脂属),原产于北美洲中部的草原和平原,其含淀粉的块根是许多美国土著人的重要食物 );
briarroot n. 石南科植物的根;
cankerroot n. 三叶黄莲;
cheroot n. 方头雪茄烟;
colicroot n. 腹痛根,各种可用以治腹痛植物;
coralroot n. 珊瑚兰属植物;
crinkleroot n. 美洲荠;
dragonroot n. [植物]龙根天南星(Arisaema dracontium)[亦作 dragon];龙根天南星根;
enroot vt. 深植,使扎根;
gingerroot 姜根;
muskroot n. [植物]五福花;
orrisroot n. 鸢尾草的根;
pinkroot n. 浅赤根(原产美国东南部);
pokeroot n. 美洲商陆;
puttyroot n. 北美兰;
redroot n. 美洲茶,西风古;
rootage n. 生根,固定;
rootedness n. 根深蒂固,牢不可破;
roothold n. 根部固着力,使根固定之处;
rootless adj. 无根的,无根据的;
rootlet n. 小根,支根;
rootstalk n. 根茎,地下根,螅根;
rootstock n. 根茎;初生主根;根砧木;根源;
rootworm n. 食虫(指食根的昆虫或侵入植物根部的线虫);根虫;
rooty adj. 多根的,根似的;
roseroot n. 蔷薇根景天;
snakeroot n. 荨麻叶泽当根(根能治好蛇咬伤的一种植物),蛇根马兜铃;蛇咬药草;美蛇根;
squawroot 美洲黄鳞草;
taproot n. (植物的)主根,直根;
unroot vt. 连根拔起,根除;

Root n. 根,根源;原因,本质;祖先;[乐]和弦基音; vt. 使生根;使固定;根源在于;欢呼,喝彩; vi. 生根;根除;
root clay 根黏土;
gentian root 龙胆根;
hair root 毛根;
root pruning 断根,剪根;
root solver 求根器;
root diameter 齿根圆直径,内螺纹外径,外螺纹内径;
root shoot 根蘖;
essential root 本性根;
lotus root n. 莲藕;
orris root n. 鸢尾根;
primary root straight root 直根;
fleshy-root gentian root [医]菊花参;
red root gromwel root [医]紫草(中药);
root comber 梳麻根机;
clinicla root [医]临床[性]根;
root tissue 根组织;
pokeweed root [医]商陆(根);
