

词库    2019-03-05 15:45:11



英音 [flæg] 美音 [flæɡ]


n. 旗;旗帜;信号旗;菖蒲;

vt. 标示;

vi. 疲乏,变弱,热情衰减;


  1. emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design

  2. a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc.

  3. plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals

  4. a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device

  5. flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green

  6. stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones

  7. a conspicuously marked or shaped tail

  1. communicate or signal with a flag

  2. provide with a flag;

    "Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately"

  3. droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness

  4. decorate with flags;

    "the building was flagged for the holiday"

  5. become less intense

flagella n. 鞭节,鞭毛;鞭毛,鞭子,鞭状匍匐枝( flagellum的名词复数 );
flagellant n. 鞭笞者,受鞭笞者,自笞者; adj. (自行)鞭笞的;
flagellar 鞭毛的;
flagellate vt. 鞭打,鞭挞;
flagellated adj. 生有鞭毛的,生有匍匐茎的; v. 鞭打,鞭挞( flagellate的过去式和过去分词 );
flagellation n. 鞭打,鞭挞;鞭身;
flagelliform adj. 鞭状的,细长而柔软的;
flagellin n. 鞭毛蛋白;
flagellum n. 鞭毛,鞭子,鞭状匍匐枝;
flageolet n. 六孔的木箫,音栓的一种;
flagging n. 铺砌石板,铺石材料,石板路; adj. 下垂的;衰弱的;委顿的;逐渐衰退(或减退、低落)的;
flagitious adj. 罪大恶极的,凶恶无耻的,穷凶极恶的;
flagman n. 旗手,平交道看守,信号旗手;
flagon n. 酒壶,大肚酒瓶;
flagpole n. 旗杆;
flagrant adj. 臭名远扬的;恶名昭著的;明目张胆的;
flagship n. 旗舰;〈比喻〉最重要的一个;佼佼者;
flagstaff n. 旗杆;杠;
flagstick n. (指明洞穴号数的)标指旗;
flagstone n. 石板,铺石路;
reflag vt. 改变(商船)的注册国;

flag register 标志寄存器;
corner flag 角旗;
flag signal 旗信号,旗语;
distinguishing flag 识别旗;
flag sense 标志读出;
Flag Day n. (英国的)旗日,公益事业募捐日;
pilot flag 引航旗;
fire-flag n. 闪电,电光;
flag officer n. 海军将官,舰队司令;
flag staff 旗杆;
protest flag 抗议旗;
flag arrangement 旗形装置;
autoincrement flag 自动增量标志;
red flag n. 红旗,危险信号,<喻>惹人生气的事物;
flag test 标记检验;
flag bit 特征位;
flag pole 旗杆;
activation flag [计] 活动标志;
flag operation 标志操作;
mail flag 邮件旗;
clear flag 清除标志;
zero flag 零标记;
