

词库    2019-03-05 15:45:11



英音 [mɪs] 美音 [mɪs]


n. (用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐;女士;失误;

v. 漏掉;错过(机会);思念;没遇到;


  1. a young woman;

    "a young lady of 18"

  2. a failure to hit (or meet or find etc)

  3. a form of address for an unmarried woman

  1. fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind;

    "I missed that remark"
    "She missed his point"
    "We lost part of what he said"

  2. feel or suffer from the lack of;

    "He misses his mother"

  3. fail to attend an event or activity;

    "I missed the concert"
    "He missed school for a week"

  4. leave undone or leave out;

    "How could I miss that typo?"
    "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"

  5. fail to reach or get to;

    "She missed her train"

  6. be without;

    "This soup lacks salt"
    "There is something missing in my jewelry box!"

  7. fail to reach;

    "The arrow missed the target"

  8. be absent;

    "The child had been missing for a week"

  9. fail to experience;

    "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane"

amiss adj. 出了差错的;有毛病的;有缺陷的;(用于否定句)不恰当的; adv. 不恰当地;不顺当地;错误地;(可能因误会)对…生气;
dismiss vt. 解雇,把…免职;遣散,解散(队伍等);驳回,拒绝受理;搁置; vi. 解散;
koumiss n. 乳酒,马奶酒;霉乳酒;酸马奶;
kumiss n. 马奶酒(亚洲牧民用马奶或骆驼奶酿成);霉乳酒;
missal n. 弥撒书;祈祷书;
missense n.& adj. 错义(的);
misshape v. 歪曲;
missile n. 导弹;投射物; adj. 导弹的;可投掷的;用以发射导弹的;
missilery n. 导弹,导弹技术;
missing adj. 失去的;下落不明的; v. 错过( miss的现在分词);
mission n. 代表团;使命;官方使命;布道所; v. 给…交代任务;派遣;把任务交给;向…传教;
missionary n. 传教士;宣传者; adj. 传教(士)的;
missioner n. 教区传教士;
missionize v. 传教;
missis n. 太太,<口>老婆;
missive n. 信件;
misspeak v. 讲错,发错…的音,使讲得词不达意;
misspell vt. 拼写错; n. 拼写错误;
misspelling n. 拼错,拼错的词; v. 拼写错( misspell的现在分词 );
misspelt n. 拼写错误; v. 拼写错( misspell的过去式和过去分词 );
misspend vt. 浪费;
misspoke v. 讲错,发错…的音,使讲得词不达意( misspeak的过去式 );
misspoken v. 讲错,发错…的音,使讲得词不达意( misspeak的过去分词 );
misstate vt. 说错,作虚伪叙述;
misstep n. 失足;
missus n. 夫人,太太,老婆;
missy n. <非正,现罕>小姐,小姑娘;
remiss adj. 玩忽职守的,马虎; adv. 玩忽职守地; n. 玩忽职守,马虎;
submiss adj. <古>恭顺的,卑下的;

