

词库    2019-03-05 15:45:11



英音 [ɒn] 美音 [ɑn]


prep. (表示方向)向;(表示对象)对;(表示位置)在…上;(表示时间)在…之时;

adv. (放,穿,连接)上;向前,(继续)下去;

adj. 活动着的情况,状态;使用着的;发生着的;计划中的;


  1. in operation or operational;

    "left the oven on"
    "the switch is in the on position"

  2. (of events) planned or scheduled;

    "the picnic is on, rain or shine"
    "we have nothing on for Friday night"

  1. with a forward motion;

    "we drove along admiring the view"
    "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"
    "the circus traveled on to the next city"
    "move along"
    "march on"

  2. indicates continuity or persistence or concentration;

    "his spirit lives on"
    "shall I read on?"

  3. in a state required for something to function or be effective;

    "turn the lights on"
    "get a load on"

onager n. 中亚野驴,(古代兵器)弩炮(用以发射石块等);
onanism n. 交媾中断(指为防止受精在即将射精前有意中断的性交);
onboard adj. 随车携带的;
once adv. 一次,一趟;一倍;曾经;一旦; conj. 一旦…就…;一经; n. 一次,一回;
onchocerciasis n. 盘尾丝虫病;
oncogene n. 致癌基因;
oncogenesis n. 瘤形成;
oncogenic adj. 瘤原性的,致瘤的;
oncology n. 肿瘤学;
oncoming adj. 迎面而来的,即将到来的;
oncornavirus n. 致癌RNA病毒,致肿瘤RNA病毒;
one num. (数字)一;一个;(基数)一,第一; n. 一个人;一点钟;一体;独一; pron. 一个人;任何人;本人,人家;东西; adj. 某一个的;一体的;一方的;
oneiric adj. 梦的;
oneiromancy n. 解梦,圆梦;占梦;
oneness n. 单一,唯一,统一;
onerous adj. 繁重的;麻烦的;负有义务的;
oneself pron. 自己,自身;亲自,自行;其;亲手;
onetime adj. 过去的,从前的;
ongoing adj. 不间断的,进行的;前进的; n. 前进,发展;行为,举止;

on and on adv. 继续不停地;无了无休;啊;
bound on 扑向;
model on 仿照…制作;仿办;
seal on 焊上;
clap on 鼓掌欢迎;启用(某物);匆匆盖上;猛踩;
levy on 向某人征收(税款等);<正>依法扣押(物品等);
ride on 继续前进;(让…)骑在…上;在…上航行[漂浮, 运动];取决于…;
influence on 对…有影响;
on-vehicle adj. 机上的;
amplify on 详述,解释;
on height 在高处,向高处;
on unit on 单元;
value on 签发;
on-site adj.&adv. 现场的;[化] 场区内,在工地上,就地;
on-engine 随机的;
key on 接通;
on record 有记载的,记录在案的,公开发表的;
gain on 赶上, 缩短距离;超过;
on-lien [医]与主机联在一起工作的,联机的;
prevail on <正>劝告, 说服;
