

词库    2019-03-05 15:44:33



英音 [əz] 美音 [æz,əz]


adv. 同样地,一样地;例如;

prep. 作为,以…的身份;如同;

conj. 像,像…一样;由于;同时,当…时;尽管;

n. 阿斯(古罗马重量单位,约373克);


  1. a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar

  2. a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa

  1. to the same degree (often followed by 'as');

    "they were equally beautiful"
    "birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly"
    "sang as sweetly as a nightingale"
    "he is every bit as mean as she is"

asafetida n. 阿魏(伞形科植物),阿魏胶;
asbestos n. 石棉; adj. 石棉制的,含石棉的;
asbestosis n. 石棉沉滞症;
asbestus n. 石棉;石绵;
ascared adj. 害怕的;
ascariasis n. 蛔虫病;
ascarid n. (人和猪肠中的)蛔虫;
ascend vt. 攀登;继承;占领; vi. 上升;爬坡;追溯;
ascendance n. 优越,权势,主权;
ascendancy n. 优势,支配地位;支配倾向;
ascendant adj. 向上的;优越的;占支配地位的; n. 占优势的;运星,命宫;祖先;
ascender n. 上升的人或物,小写字体中超出x字母高度部分;
ascending adj. 上升的,向上的; v. 上升,攀登( ascend的现在分词 );
ascension n. 上升,升高;
ascent n. 上升;登高;上坡;追溯;
ascertain vt. 弄清,确定,查明;
ascetic adj. 禁欲的;禁欲主义的;苦行的;克己的; n. 苦行者,禁欲者,禁欲主义者;
asceticism n. 禁欲主义,苦行主义;

AS adv. 同样地,一样地;例如; prep. 作为,以…的身份;如同; conj. 像,像…一样;由于;同时,当…时;尽管; n. 阿斯(古罗马重量单位,约373克);
as...as... 象…一样的…;
as...as 与…一样;似的;
as hard as granite 象岩石一样坚硬的;
as many again as 比…多一倍,加倍;
as quick as thought adv. 极快地;
as dark as night adv. 漆黑;
as black as coal 墨黑,极黑;
as big as life 和原物一样大;
as soon as possible 尽早,尽快;从速;及早;
as early as possible adv. 尽快地;趁早;早早儿;
as. [医][=astigmatism]散光;
As. [医][=astigmatism]散光;
as likely as not (很)可能;
as clear as crystal 象水晶一样明澈, (喻)极其明白;
in as far as 在。。。的限度内, 在。。。的范围内, 到如此程度;
as bold as brass adj. 厚颜无耻的;
as plain as noonday 一清二楚;
as sure as nails 肯定无疑必然;
