

词库    2019-03-05 15:44:19



英音 [bɪl] 美音 [bɪl]


n. 账单;钞票;清单;广告;

vt. 安排;给…开账单;为…发提(货)单;把…登录在账;

vi. 鸟嘴相接触;


  1. a statute in draft before it becomes law;

    "they held a public hearing on the bill"

  2. an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered;

    "he paid his bill and left"
    "send me an account of what I owe"

  3. a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank);

    "he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes"

  4. the entertainment offered at a public presentation

  5. an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution;

    "he mailed the circular to all subscribers"

  6. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement;

    "a poster advertised the coming attractions"

  7. a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare)

  8. a long-handled saw with a curved blade;

    "he used a bill to prune branches off of the tree"

  9. a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes;

    "he pulled down the bill of his cap and trudged ahead"

  10. horny projecting mouth of a bird

  1. demand payment;

    "Will I get charged for this service?"
    "We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights"

  2. advertise especially by posters or placards;

    "He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso"

  3. publicize or announce by placards

Playbill n. 戏单,节目单;海报;戏报;
billabong n. 死河;
billboard n. 广告牌;告示牌; v. 宣传;
billbug n. 喙甲,谷象(其幼虫食谷类植物及谷粒);
biller n. 开账单[开清单]的人;
billet n. 兵舍,工作职位; v. 给(部队)安排住处;
billfish n. 长嘴鱼(颚狭长如喙的鱼,如雀鳝等),尖嘴鱼(具有剑状长嘴及上颚的鱼,如旗鱼、枪鱼等);
billfold n. 皮夹子;
billhead n. 付款通知单;
billhook n. 钩镰;砍刀;
billiard adj. 台球的,弹子戏的;
billiards n. 台球,桌球戏,弹子球;
billing n. (节目单或戏院大门上的)演员表;(演员表上的)演员次序;开具账单;营业额;
billingsgate n. 粗俗(或下流)的骂人语;
billion n. 十亿;数以十亿计;大量;一万亿; adj. (法美)十亿的;(英德)万亿的;无数的;
billionaire n. 亿万富翁;巨富;
billionth n.& adj. 第十亿(的),十亿分之一(的);
billon n. 银与铜锡等的合金;金合金;银合金;
billow n. 巨浪,如波涛滚滚而来之物; vi. 在波涛中翻滚;扬起,鼓起;
billposter n. 受雇张贴广告者;
billy n. 警棍,棍棒;
billycock n. <英>宽边低顶的毡帽;
bluebill n. 铃凫(因其嘴蓝色而得名);
boatbill n. 苍鹭的一种;
cranesbill n. 陇牛儿苗科;美牻牛儿;
crossbill n. 交喙鸟;
duckbill n. 鸭嘴兽;
handbill n. 传单;
hawksbill n. 玳瑁(一种中型海龟);
hornbill n. 犀鸟,犀鸟科;
playbill n. 戏单,节目单;海报;戏报;
razorbill n. 海雀(一种尖嘴鸟);刀嘴海雀;
sheathbill n. 栖息于南极的海鸟;
shoebill n. 鲸头鹳;
sicklebill n. 弯嘴鸟(如鹬);
spoonbill n. 篦鹭;琵嘴;
swordbill n. 刀嘴蜂鸟;

Bill n. 账单;钞票;清单;广告; vt. 安排;给…开账单;为…发提(货)单;把…登录在账; vi. 鸟嘴相接触;
bill discounter n. 贴现业者;
account bill n. 账单;
shipping bill n. (海关的)货物装船准单;舱单;
sola bill 单张汇票;
show bill n. 海报,招贴;
Government bill 政府债券;
gate bill n. 学生逾时返校的记录本,逾时返校的罚金;
term bill n. 期票;
domestic bill 国内汇票;
twin bill n. 相同球队接连举行的两场球赛;
pay bill [经] 工资单;
bearer bill 不记名汇票,持票人汇票;
supplemental bill 补充诉状;
money bill 财政法案;
bill discounted 贴现票据,已贴现的票据;
material bill 材料单,材料清单;
bill passengers 填报乘客名单;
kite bill 空头票据;
bill roll 票券轮换;
priced bill 工程概算表;
sterling bill [经] 英镑汇票;
