

词库    2019-03-05 15:39:52



英音 [waɪt] 美音 [hwaɪt, waɪt]


adj. 白色的,纯洁的;无色的,透明的;白衣的;白种人的;

n. 白色;白种人;空白;白色颜料;

vt. (书写,印刷等)留出空白处;使变白色,刷白;漂白;


  1. a member of the Caucasoid race

  2. the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to black)

  3. United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1921)

  4. Australian writer (1912-1990)

  5. United States political journalist (1915-1986)

  6. United States architect (1853-1906)

  7. United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985)

  8. United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its first president (1832-1918)

  9. a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows southeastward through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri

  10. the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water;

    "she separated the whites from the yolks of several eggs"

  11. (board games) the lighter pieces

  12. (usually in the plural) trousers made of flannel or gabardine or tweed or white cloth

  1. being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light;

    "as white as fresh snow"
    "a bride's white dress"

  2. of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration;

    "voting patterns within the white population"

  3. free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied;

    "in shining white armor"

  4. marked by the presence of snow;

    "a white Christmas"
    "the white hills of a northern winter"

  5. restricted to whites only;

    "under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains"
    "a lily-white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization"

  6. glowing white with heat;

    "white flames"
    "a white-hot center of the fire"

  7. benevolent; without malicious intent;

    "that's white of you"

  8. (of a surface) not written or printed on;

    "blank pages"
    "fill in the blank spaces"
    "a clean page"
    "wide white margins"

  9. (of coffee) having cream or milk added

  10. (of hair) having lost its color;

    "the white hairs of old age"

  11. anemic looking from illness or emotion;

    "a face turned ashen"
    "the invalid's blanched cheeks"
    "tried to speak with bloodless lips"
    "a face livid with shock"
    "lips...livid with the hue of death"
    "lips white with terror"
    "a face white with rage"

  12. of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets;

    "white nights"

  1. turn white;

    "This detergent will whiten your laundry"

Hepplewhite n. Hepplewhite 制作的家具;
bobwhite n. 鹑的一种(产于美洲);
lintwhite n. 红雀,朱胸朱顶雀;
nonwhite adj. 非白人的; n. 非白人;
whitebait n. 鲱鱼的幼鱼,银鱼;
whitecap n. 白帽队队员,浪端的白泡沫;
whiteface [地名] [美国] 怀特费斯;
whitefish n. 白鲑属鱼,洋方头鱼;白鱼;
whitefly n. 粉虱;橘黄粉虱;
whitehead n. 粟粒疹;
whiten vt.& vi. (使某物)变白或更白;
whiteout n. 乳白天空(极地的一种大气光象),因暴露于恶劣环境而引起的临时性失明;
whiteprint n. 白背景图片,白色图,印正像;
whitesmith n. 锡铁匠;
whitetail n. 白尾鹿;
whitethroat n. 白喉莺,灰白喉林莺;
whitewash n. (粉刷用的)石灰水,白色涂料;粉饰;掩盖;<非正>(得零分)大败; vt. 美化,粉刷;粉饰,掩饰;彻底击败;
whitewood n. 白色木材,其树;
whitey n. 白人社会;
color n. <美>颜色,色彩;肤色,脸色,血色;颜料,染料;本质; v. <美>给…涂颜色;改变…的颜色;粉饰,渲染,使带上色彩;脸红;
red adj. 红色的;(脸)涨红的;烧红的;红头发的; n. 红色;红衣服;红颜料;红葡萄酒;
orange n. 桔子,橙子;[植]桔树;橙色;桔色; adj. 橙色的;橘色的;桔红色的;
yellow adj. 黄色的;黄皮肤的;黄种人的;胆怯的; vt.& vi. (使某物)变黄或发黄; n. 黄色;黄种人;黄色颜料;
green adj. 绿色的;未熟的,青春的;未成熟的;主张保护环境的; n. 绿色蔬菜;绿色的衣服;植物; vi. 绿化,使重视环境保护问题;
blue n. 蓝色;[复数](美国海、陆、空三军穿的)蓝色制服;蓝颜料;[the blue(s)][用作单数或复数]布鲁斯(歌曲)(一种伤感的美国黑人民歌); adj. 蓝色的;沮丧的,忧郁的;下流的; vt. 把…染成蓝色;使成蓝色;给…用上蓝剂;用上蓝剂于; vi. 变成蓝色,呈蓝色;
purple adj. 紫色的;帝王的;词藻华美的; n. 紫色;紫(红)衣,紫袍;帝位,皇权;皇族; vt. 使成紫色; vi. 变紫;
golden adj. 金(黄)色的;金质的;美好的 ;
black adj. 黑(色)的;黑色人种的;黑暗的;不加牛奶的; n. 黑色;黑人;黑颜料;黑暗; v. 使变黑;抵制;拒绝;使变黑暗;
grey adj. 灰色的;灰白的; vt. 使变成灰色;使变老; vi. 变成灰色;老化; n. 灰色;
gray n. 灰色;灰马;灰色颜料;暗淡的光线; adj. 灰色的;灰白头发的;阴暗的;(指脸因恐惧、生病等)苍白的; v. (使)变灰色; vi. 成为灰色或灰白;
brown adj. 棕色的;褐色的;被晒黑的;未去壳的; n. 褐色;棕色; v. 变成棕色;成褐色;晒黑;烤得焦黄;
navy n. 海军;船队;
pink adj. 粉红色的;淡红色的;略带左翼政治观点的;与同性恋者有关的; n. 粉红色;典范;香石竹;顶点,极度; vt. 刺、扎;打出小孔图案;戳;
silver n. 银;银币;银制品;银色; adj. 银制的;像银的;银色的;银白色的; vt. (在某物上)镀银;使具有银色光泽,使变成银色;

White adj. 白色的,纯洁的;无色的,透明的;白衣的;白种人的; n. 白色;白种人;空白;白色颜料; vt. (书写,印刷等)留出空白处;使变白色,刷白;漂白;
white spirit n. 石油溶剂油;白酒;白干儿;
white gloves n. 白手套;
white heat n. 白热;白炽;
white plague n. 肺结核病;
white pickling 二次酸洗,光亮酸洗,浸白;
Mr White 怀特先生;
white cell n. 白血球,白血细胞;
Mrs White 怀特太太;
dyed white 显白,调白颜料;
milk white n. 乳白色;
white damar 白达马树脂,白硬胶树;
white film [医]黑白影片;
white crystal 白色晶体;
white-hall [法] 白厅,英国政府,英国的政策;
white asphyxia [医] 苍白[色]窒息;
white marble 汉白玉,白大理石;
Chester white n. 切斯特白猪(美国宾夕法尼亚南部脂用型猪);
white discharge 拔白,拔白印花;
white aggregate 白色骨科;
white child [医]白种人儿童;
