

词库    2019-03-05 12:18:47



英音 [daʊn] 美音 [daʊn]


adv. (坐、倒、躺)下;向下;(表示范围或顺序的限度)下至;

prep. (从高处)向下;(表示位置)在…的下方;(表示方向)沿着…向下;(表示时间)自…以来;

adj. 向下的;沮丧的;计算机或计算机系统停机;(以…)落后于对手的;

n. (鸟的)绒羽;绒毛;软毛;汗毛;

vt. 放下;(尤指大口或快速地)喝下;使摔倒;击落(敌机等);

vi. [常用于祈使句中]下去;下来;卧倒;下降;


  1. soft fine feathers

  2. (American football) a complete play to advance the football;

    "you have four downs to gain ten yards"

  3. English physician who first described Down's syndrome (1828-1896)

  4. (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil

  5. fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)

  1. being or moving lower in position or less in some value;

    "lay face down"
    "the moon is down"
    "our team is down by a run"
    "down by a pawn"
    "the stock market is down today"

  2. extending or moving from a higher to a lower place;

    "the down staircase"
    "the downward course of the stream"

  3. becoming progressively lower;

    "the down trend in the real estate market"

  4. being put out by a strikeout;

    "two down in the bottom of the ninth"

  5. understood perfectly;

    "had his algebra problems down"

  6. lower than previously;

    "the market is depressed"
    "prices are down"

  7. shut;

    "the shades were down"

  8. not functioning (temporarily or permanently);

    "we can't work because the computer is down"

  9. filled with melancholy and despondency ;

    "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"
    "gloomy predictions"
    "a gloomy silence"
    "took a grim view of the economy"
    "the darkening mood"
    "lonely and blue in a strange city"
    "depressed by the loss of his job"
    "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"
    "downcast after his defeat"
    "feeling discouraged and downhearted"

  1. spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position;

    "don't fall down"
    "rode the lift up and skied down"
    "prices plunged downward"

  2. away from a more central or a more northerly place;

    "was sent down to work at the regional office"
    "worked down on the farm"
    "came down for the wedding"
    "flew down to Florida"

  3. paid in cash at time of purchase;

    "put ten dollars down on the necklace"

  4. from an earlier time;

    "the story was passed down from father to son"

  5. to a lower intensity;

    "he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black"

  6. in an inactive or inoperative state;

    "the factory went down during the strike"
    "the computer went down again"

  1. drink down entirely;

    "He downed three martinis before dinner"
    "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"
    "They popped a few beer after work"

  2. eat immoderately;

    "Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal"

  3. bring down or defeat (an opponent)

  4. shoot at and force to come down;

    "the enemy landed several of our aircraft"

  5. cause to come or go down;

    "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"
    "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet"

  6. improve or perfect by pruning or polishing;

    "refine one's style of writing"

Southdown n. 南丘羊;南丘羊种;
breakdown n. 崩溃,倒塌;损坏,故障;分解;垮,衰竭;
bringdown adj. 使感到失望的; n. 使人失望的事物;
clampdown n. 压制,取缔,严禁;限制与控制的强行施加;
closedown n. (尤指永久的)停工;停业;倒闭;<英>(电台或电视台在一天的播送后)停止播放;
comedown n. 衰落;没落;丧失;
countdown n. 倒数读秒,倒计时;大事临近的时期;准备过程,准备工作;
crackdown n. 压迫,镇压;打击,制裁;强制取缔;
downbeat adj. 消沉的,悲观的,抑制的; n. 强拍;下降;
downburst 下击暴流;
downcast adj. 情绪低落的,向下的;颓靡;
downcourt adj. 前场篮下的,前场篮下方向的;
downdraft n. <美>倒灌风,下向通风,向下气流;
downer n. 镇定剂,令人沮丧的人;
downfall n. (雨等的)大下特下;(家,国等的)没落;垮台;
downfallen adj. 倒了的,没落的,坠落的;
downfield adj.& adv. (美国橄榄球)在前场(的),向前场(的);
downgrade v. 使降低;使降职;贬低;低估;
downhaul n. 收帆索,落帆索;
downhearted adj. 沮丧的,灰心丧气的;衰飒;短气;心灰意冷;
downhill adv. 向山下;如下坡一般;每况愈下; adj. 向下的,下降的;倾斜的;[体]下降滑雪的; n. 下坡路;滑降;
downlink n. 下行线,向下链路;
download v. 将(程序,资料等)从大计算机系统输入小计算机系统,下载;
downplay vt. 贬低,轻视;不予重视;将…轻描淡写;
downpour n. 倾盆大雨;(日光的)照射;
downrange adj.& adv. 发射中心和沿着试验航向的[地];下靶场;下靶区;
downright adv. 完全地;彻底地;全然; adj. 直率的,直截了当的;明白的,露骨的;显明的;毫不含糊的;
downriver adv.& adj. 下游(的);
downscale 缩减…规模;
downshift v. (汽车等)调低速挡;放慢;工作降格; n. 换低速档;
downside n. 下降趋势;负面,消极面; adj. 下降趋势的;
downsize vt. 以较小尺寸设计(或制造),缩小(汽车等的)外部尺寸;
downslide (行市的)下跌,(工商业的)下降;
downspin n. (经济形势等)突然下降,急降,(房价、生产率等的)急剧下跌(或下滑、下挫),急转直下,日趋恶化; 滑坡;
downspout n. <美>水落管;
downstage adj. 向舞台前方,在舞台前; adv. 向舞台前方,在舞台前地; n. 舞台的前半部;
downstairs adv. 在楼下;向[往]楼下; adj. 楼下的;

