

词库    2019-03-05 12:18:47



英音 [stɑ:(r)] 美音 [stɑr]


n. 星;星状物;星级;明星;

v. 主演;(在文字等旁)标星号;


  1. (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior

  2. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

  3. any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night

  4. an actor who plays a principal role

  5. a plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem

  6. a performer who receives prominent billing

  7. a star-shaped character * used in printing

  8. the topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub

  1. indicating the most important performer or role;

    "the leading man"
    "prima ballerina"
    "prima donna"
    "a star figure skater"
    "the starring role"
    "a stellar role"
    "a stellar performance"

  1. feature as the star;

    "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man"

  2. be the star in a performance

  3. mark with an asterisk;

    "Linguists star unacceptable sentences"

costar n. 合演者,合演的明星; vi. 合演;
daystar n. 晨星;
earthstar n. 量显地星;
instar n. 中间形态,龄(幼虫两次蜕皮之间的虫期),龄时期的节足动物;龄虫;
loadstar n. 指示方向之星,指导原则;
lodestar n. 北极星;
polestar n. 北极星,指导原则,目标;
starboard n. (船舶、飞机的)右舷,右侧; v. 向右转舵; adj. 右舷的;
starburst n. 星暴;光芒四射的亮光;
starch n. 淀粉,含淀粉的食物;形式主义;古板,僵硬;元气; vt. 把(衣服)上浆;给…上浆;浆硬;使僵硬;
starchy adj. (食物)含大量淀粉的;刻板的,拘谨的;
stardom n. 演员们;明星界;明星地位;群星;
stardust n. 星团,幻觉;星尘;
stare vi. 盯着看;显眼;倒立,直竖起; vt. 凝视;盯着他的眼睛; n. 凝视,瞪视;
starets n. (俄罗斯正教会的)长老,灵性导师;
starfish n. 海星(一种海洋动物);
starflower n. 开星状花的植物;
stargaze vi. 眺望星星,空想,凝视;
stargazer n. 占星师,空想家,天文学家;
stark adj. 完全的;荒凉的;光秃秃的;僵硬的; adv. 一丝不挂,赤裸;完全;明显地;质朴地; n. 斯塔克;
starkers adj. 赤裸的,光屁股的;
starlet n. 崭露头角的年轻演员,年轻女明星;
starlight n. 星光;
starling n. 八哥;
starlit adj. 星光的;
starry adj. 布满星星的;
starship 恒星飞船;
starstruck adj. 崇拜明星的;一心想当明星的;
start n. 开始;动身;开动;起点; vt.& vi. 出发,启程; vt. 起动;提出(问题);开办;使开始; vi. 起始;突然出现;突然跳起;突然涌出;
starter n. (发动机的)启动装置;参赛人;(主菜之前的)开胃小吃;(赛跑等的)发令员;
startle vt. 使震惊,使大吃一惊;使惊跳,使惊吓; vi. 惊吓;受惊;惊跳; n. 惊愕;惊恐;震惊,吃惊;惊跳;
starvation n. 挨饿;饥饿;饿死;绝食;
starve vi. 挨饿;[非正式用语] 饥饿;受饿;[古语] 冻死; vt. 使挨饿;饿死;
starveling n. 挨饿者,饿瘦了的人; adj. 挨饿的,饿瘦了的,贫穷的;
starwort [医]银柴胡;繁缕;
superstar n. 超级明星;[天]超星体;巨星;
Sun n. 太阳,阳光;恒星;中心人物; v. 晒太阳;
Earth n. 地球;陆地;泥土;兽穴; vt. 把(电线)接地;盖(土);追赶入洞穴; vi. 躲进地洞;
Moon n. 月亮,月球;卫星;月状物,新月状物; vi. 闲逛;出神;[俚语] 露出屁股以戏弄; vt. 虚度;
Mercury n. [化]汞,水银;[天]水星;温度表;精神,元气;
Venus 维纳斯;金星;
Mars abbr. master attitude reference system 主要态度参考系统;midair retrieval system 中空恢复系统;military affiliated radio system 军用附属无线电系统;mathematics anxiety rating scale 数学焦虑等级刻度; n. 毁坏,损坏,玷污( mar的名词复数 ); v. 毁坏,损坏,玷污( mar的第三人称单数 );
Jupiter n. 木星;
Saturn n. <天>土星;[罗史]农神;铅;(美国的)土星运载火箭;
Uranus n. 天王星;(希腊神话)乌拉诺斯神;
Neptune n. 海王星;(罗马神话)海神尼普顿;
Pluto n. <天>冥王星;<希腊>冥府之神,冥王;
planet n. [天]行星;[占星](左右人命运的)星相;
meteor n. 流星;大气现象; abbr. 气象学(=meteorology);
comet n. [天]彗星;孛;
Nebula n. 星云;星云状的星系;
galaxy n. 星系;银河系;一群显赫的(出色的)人物;
constellation n. 星座;一群杰出人物;一系列(相关的想法、事物);一群(相关的人);

