

词库    2019-03-05 12:10:25



英音 [θru:] 美音 [θru]


prep. 通过,穿过;经由;透过;凭借;

adv. 从头到尾;彻底;自始至终;

adj. (电话)接通;通话完毕;有洞的;直达的;


  1. having finished or arrived at completion;

    "certain to make history before he's done"
    "it's a done deed"
    "after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up"
    "almost through with his studies"

  2. (of a route or journey etc.) continuing without requiring stops or changes;

    "a through street"
    "a through bus"
    "through traffic"

  1. from beginning to end;

    "read this book through"

  2. over the whole distance;

    "this bus goes through to New York"

  3. to completion;

    "think this through very carefully!"

  4. in diameter;

    "this cylinder measures 15 inches through"

  5. throughout the entire extent;

    "got soaked through in the rain"
    "I'm frozen through"
    "a letter shot through with the writer's personality"
    "knew him through and through"
    "boards rotten through and through"

breakthrough n. 突破;穿透;重要技术成就;炉衬烧穿;
feedthrough [电] 馈穿;
throughly adv. 十分地,彻底地;
throughout prep. (表示时间)自始至终;在…期间;遍及…地域;遍及…场所; adv. 处处;始终;在所有方面;
throughput n. 生产量,生产能力,吞吐量;流率;
throughway n. 快速道路;
wherethrough adv. 经其处,经此;

through fair through fair 在任何情况下,不管顺利或困难;
know through and through 非常熟悉;知根知底;
through position 转接台,直通通话位置;
think through 思考后得出结论;
see through 做到底;<非正>帮助渡过难关;<非正>看穿;拆穿;
through correspondence 用写信的办法;
soak through 浸透;
run-through n. 贯通,从头到尾读一遍;
tunnel through v. 通过地道;
went through 审查;
through and through wound [医]贯穿伤;
through and through suture 贯穿缝合;
Through-and-through infarct [医]穿透性梗塞;
through-and-through sawing 直锯法;
through document 全程[直达]单据;
through furnace 直通炉;
through call 直接通话;
through jack 转接塞孔;
sift through v. 被筛下,通过;
seek through v. 搜查遍;
