英音 [bɪt] 美音 [bɪt]
n. 一点,一块;少量,少许;一会儿,一转眼;[计] 比特(二进位制信息单位);
adj. 很小的,微不足道的;
adv. [口语]相当,有点儿,或多或少,多少[a bit to的省略];
vt. 给(马)上嚼子;上衔铁;抑制;制约;
v. 咬,叮( bite的过去式);刺痛;咬饵;有咬(或叮)的习性;
"a spot of tea"
"a bit of paper"
"a bit of lint"
"I gave him a bit of my mind"
"a bit of rock caught him in the eye"
"wait just a moment"
"in a mo"
"it only takes a minute"
"in just a bit"
"it was a nice piece of work"
"he had a bit of good luck"
"the horse was not accustomed to a bit"
"there are 8 bits in a byte"
"all they had left was a bit of bread"
"overheard snatches of their conversation"
"he did his act three times every evening"
"she had a catchy little routine"
"it was one of the best numbers he ever did"
"he looked around for the right size bit"
bitartrate n. 酒石酸氢盐,酸式酒石酸盐;
bitch n. 母狗;淫妇;牢骚事;坏女人; vi. 埋怨;发牢骚;挖苦;(背后)说坏话; vt. 把…搞糟;弄坏;抱怨;埋怨;
bitchery n. 贱女人的行为;
bitchy adj. 恶毒的、恶意的或专横的;
bite vt.& vi. 咬;叮; n. 咬;咬伤;疼痛;受骗; vi. 刺痛;咬饵;有咬(或叮)的习性;(人)上当; vt. (辣椒,胡椒等)刺激;(齿轮,螺丝,钳子,锚等)咬住;(利器等)刺进;(寒风等)刺骨; abbr. 机内测试设备(Built-In Test Equipment);
biteplate 咬合板;
bitewing n. 咬翼片(口腔科用的一种X光胶片);
biting adj. 尖锐刺人的;刺痛的;辛辣的;嘲讽的; v. 咬,叮( bite的现在分词 );刺痛;有咬(或叮)的习性;(人)上当;
bitstock n. (手摇曲柄钻的)钻柄;
bitt n. 缆柱; vt. 系于缆柱;
bitten v. 咬,叮( bite的过去分词 );刺痛;有咬(或叮)的习性;(人)上当;
bitter adj. 苦的;尖锐的;严寒的;怀恨的,愤愤不平的; n. 苦;苦味物;苦啤酒;[航]系缆柱上的一圈缆索; adv. 激烈地;痛苦地;严厉地; vt. 使变苦;
bitterbrush n. (产于北美洲西部干旱地区的)蔷薇科淡灰色灌木;
bittern n. 麻鸦,盐卤;卤水;
bitternut n. 心果山核桃;
bitterroot n. 一种齿苋;
bittersweet adj. 又苦又甜的,苦乐参半的;蜀羊泉;白英;