英音 [hɑ:d] 美音 [hɑrd]
adj. 困难的;硬的;有力的;努力的;
adv. 努力地;猛力地;严重地;沉重地;
n. 英〉硬海滩,登陆处;
"a difficult task"
"nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"
"difficult times"
"why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"
"took a hard look"
"a hard bargainer"
"strong winds"
"a hard left to the chin"
"a knockout punch"
"a severe blow"
"worked their arduous way up the mining valley"
"a grueling campaign"
"hard labor"
"heavy work"
"heavy going"
"spent many laborious hours on the project"
"set a punishing pace"
"unvoiced consonants such as `p' and `k' and `s'"
"Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants"
"a hard drinker"
"hard liquor"
"had hard luck"
"a tough break"
"hard dry rolls left over from the day before"
"the team played hard"
"worked hard all day"
"pressed hard on the lever"
"hit the ball hard"
"slammed the door hard"
"held hard to the railing"
"thought hard about it"
"stared hard at the accused"
"industries hit hard by the depression"
"she was severely affected by the bank's failure"
"prejudices die hard"
"he drank heavily"
"concrete that sets hard within a few hours"
"it stands hard by the railroad tracks"
"they were hard on his heels"
"a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening"
"he took the rejection very hard"
"hard alee"
"the ship went hard astern"
"swung the wheel hard left"
Blanchard [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 布兰查德来源于日耳曼语人名,含义是“闪光的,白的,美丽的+勇敢的,坚强的”(shining,white,beautiful+brave,hardy,strong);[地名] [美国] 布兰查德;
Erhard [人名] 埃哈德;
Prichard [人名] [威尔士人姓氏] 普里查德 Pritchard的变体;[地名] [美国] 普里查德;
blowhard n. <美,非正>吹牛大王,自吹自擂的人;
chard n. 可供食用的甜菜;
clochard n. 钟楼;
echard n. (土壤中的)无效水量;
hardback n. 精装书,精装本;硬封面的书; adj. 精装的;硬封面的;
hardball n. 硬式棒球;
hardboard n. 硬纸板;
hardbound adj. (书籍)精装的(即硬封面的);
hardcover n. 精装书; adj. 精装书的,精装的;
harden vt. 使硬化;使经得起考验;使无情;使轮廓鲜明; vi. 变硬或更硬;变稳定;变习惯;
hardener n. 硬化剂,硬化者;
hardening v. 淬水;(使)变硬( harden的现在分词 );(使)坚固;(使)硬化;(使)变得坚强;
hardhack n. (北美产)绣线菊属的植物;
hardhat n. 建筑工人,主张使用暴力的保守分子; adj. 需要戴安全帽的;
hardhead n. 傻瓜,矢车菊;富锡渣;
hardheaded adj. (尤指在做生意时)精明的;不感情用事的;<尤美>愚蠢的;顽固的;
hardhearted adj. 无情的,冷酷的;忍心;心硬;
hardihood n. 大胆,刚毅;
hardly adv. 几乎不;简直不;刚刚;严厉地,粗鲁地;
hardness n. 坚硬;<物>硬性;困难;冷酷;
hardpan n. (软土下面的)硬质地层,黏土层,砂砾层;硬盘;
hardscrabble adj. <美>贫脊的,非常穷困的;
hardship n. 艰难;困苦;艰难情况;造成困苦与苦难的原因;
hardstand n. 可停放车辆飞机等的硬质地面;停机坪;
hardtack n. 硬面饼;
hardtop n. 室内电影院,有金属顶盖的汽车; adj. 有金属顶盖的;
hardware n. 五金器具;计算机硬件;武器装备;
hardwood n. 硬(木)材,硬木树;双子叶植物的木材;双子叶树;
hardy adj. 强壮的;大胆,勇敢的;鲁莽的;[植]耐寒的; n. 强壮的人;耐旱植物;方柄凿;
orchard n. (通常指围起来的)果园;果园里的全部果树;<俚>棒球场;
pilchard n. 沙丁鱼;
pochard n. 潜鸭,红头潜鸭;
semihard adj. 半硬的;
shard n. (玻璃、金属或其他硬物的)尖利的碎片;
hard-hearted adj. 没有同情心的,冷酷的;
hard board 人造板,刚纸;
hard zone 硬化区;
hard alloy 硬质合金;
hard crown 硬冕牌玻璃;
hard shoulder 隔离墩;
hard-shell adj. 硬皮的,顽固的;
hard rot 硬腐病;
hard valve 高真空电子管,硬性电子管;
hard pass 劲传;
hard picture 对比度强的图像,黑白鲜明的图像;硬图像;
hard magnesia 硬烧镁氧;
hard axis 难轴;
hard cure 硬焙烘;
hard pulse 强脉冲;
hard bubble 硬磁泡,异常磁泡;
hard papilloma [医] 硬性乳头[状]瘤;
hard soldering 硬焊接,用焊料焊接;
hard pad n. (狗等的)硬爪掌病;
hard zinc 硬锌;
hard crash [计] 硬件失败,硬故障;