

词库    2019-03-05 12:10:14



英音 [hɑ:d] 美音 [hɑrd]


adj. 困难的;硬的;有力的;努力的;

adv. 努力地;猛力地;严重地;沉重地;

n. 英〉硬海滩,登陆处;


  1. not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure;

    "a difficult task"
    "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"
    "difficult times"
    "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"

  2. dispassionate;

    "took a hard look"
    "a hard bargainer"

  3. resisting weight or pressure

  4. very strong or vigorous;

    "strong winds"
    "a hard left to the chin"
    "a knockout punch"
    "a severe blow"

  5. characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort;

    "worked their arduous way up the mining valley"
    "a grueling campaign"
    "hard labor"
    "heavy work"
    "heavy going"
    "spent many laborious hours on the project"
    "set a punishing pace"

  6. produced without vibration of the vocal cords;

    "unvoiced consonants such as `p' and `k' and `s'"

  7. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source

  8. (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum;

    "Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants"

  9. given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors;

    "a hard drinker"

  10. being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content;

    "hard liquor"

  11. unfortunate or hard to bear;

    "had hard luck"
    "a tough break"

  12. dried out;

    "hard dry rolls left over from the day before"

  1. with effort or force or vigor;

    "the team played hard"
    "worked hard all day"
    "pressed hard on the lever"
    "hit the ball hard"
    "slammed the door hard"

  2. with firmness;

    "held hard to the railing"

  3. earnestly or intently;

    "thought hard about it"
    "stared hard at the accused"

  4. causing great damage or hardship;

    "industries hit hard by the depression"
    "she was severely affected by the bank's failure"

  5. slowly and with difficulty;

    "prejudices die hard"

  6. indulging excessively;

    "he drank heavily"

  7. into a solid condition;

    "concrete that sets hard within a few hours"

  8. very near or close in space or time;

    "it stands hard by the railroad tracks"
    "they were hard on his heels"
    "a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening"

  9. with pain or distress or bitterness;

    "he took the rejection very hard"

  10. to the full extent possible; all the way;

    "hard alee"
    "the ship went hard astern"
    "swung the wheel hard left"

Blanchard [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 布兰查德来源于日耳曼语人名,含义是“闪光的,白的,美丽的+勇敢的,坚强的”(shining,white,beautiful+brave,hardy,strong);[地名] [美国] 布兰查德;
Erhard [人名] 埃哈德;
Prichard [人名] [威尔士人姓氏] 普里查德 Pritchard的变体;[地名] [美国] 普里查德;
blowhard n. <美,非正>吹牛大王,自吹自擂的人;
chard n. 可供食用的甜菜;
clochard n. 钟楼;
echard n. (土壤中的)无效水量;
hardback n. 精装书,精装本;硬封面的书; adj. 精装的;硬封面的;
hardball n. 硬式棒球;
hardboard n. 硬纸板;
hardbound adj. (书籍)精装的(即硬封面的);
hardcover n. 精装书; adj. 精装书的,精装的;
harden vt. 使硬化;使经得起考验;使无情;使轮廓鲜明; vi. 变硬或更硬;变稳定;变习惯;
hardener n. 硬化剂,硬化者;
hardening v. 淬水;(使)变硬( harden的现在分词 );(使)坚固;(使)硬化;(使)变得坚强;
hardhack n. (北美产)绣线菊属的植物;
hardhat n. 建筑工人,主张使用暴力的保守分子; adj. 需要戴安全帽的;
hardhead n. 傻瓜,矢车菊;富锡渣;
hardheaded adj. (尤指在做生意时)精明的;不感情用事的;<尤美>愚蠢的;顽固的;
hardhearted adj. 无情的,冷酷的;忍心;心硬;
hardihood n. 大胆,刚毅;
hardly adv. 几乎不;简直不;刚刚;严厉地,粗鲁地;
hardness n. 坚硬;<物>硬性;困难;冷酷;
hardpan n. (软土下面的)硬质地层,黏土层,砂砾层;硬盘;
hardscrabble adj. <美>贫脊的,非常穷困的;
hardship n. 艰难;困苦;艰难情况;造成困苦与苦难的原因;
hardstand n. 可停放车辆飞机等的硬质地面;停机坪;
hardtack n. 硬面饼;
hardtop n. 室内电影院,有金属顶盖的汽车; adj. 有金属顶盖的;
hardware n. 五金器具;计算机硬件;武器装备;
hardwood n. 硬(木)材,硬木树;双子叶植物的木材;双子叶树;
hardy adj. 强壮的;大胆,勇敢的;鲁莽的;[植]耐寒的; n. 强壮的人;耐旱植物;方柄凿;
orchard n. (通常指围起来的)果园;果园里的全部果树;<俚>棒球场;
pilchard n. 沙丁鱼;
pochard n. 潜鸭,红头潜鸭;
semihard adj. 半硬的;
shard n. (玻璃、金属或其他硬物的)尖利的碎片;

hard-hearted adj. 没有同情心的,冷酷的;
hard board 人造板,刚纸;
hard zone 硬化区;
hard alloy 硬质合金;
hard crown 硬冕牌玻璃;
hard shoulder 隔离墩;
hard-shell adj. 硬皮的,顽固的;
hard rot 硬腐病;
hard valve 高真空电子管,硬性电子管;
hard pass 劲传;
hard picture 对比度强的图像,黑白鲜明的图像;硬图像;
hard magnesia 硬烧镁氧;
hard axis 难轴;
hard cure 硬焙烘;
hard pulse 强脉冲;
hard bubble 硬磁泡,异常磁泡;
hard papilloma [医] 硬性乳头[状]瘤;
hard soldering 硬焊接,用焊料焊接;
hard pad n. (狗等的)硬爪掌病;
hard zinc 硬锌;
hard crash [计] 硬件失败,硬故障;
