

词库    2019-03-05 12:10:04



英音 [fæt] 美音 [fæt]


adj. 肥的;胖的;厚的;大量的;

n. 脂肪;肥肉;动植物油;

vt. 养肥;在…中加入脂肪;

vi. 长肥;


  1. a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides);

    "pizza has too much fat"

  2. a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs;

    "fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold"

  3. excess bodily weight;

    "she disliked fatness in herself as well as in others"

  1. having an (over)abundance of flesh;

    "he hadn't remembered how fat she was"

  2. having a relatively large diameter;

    "a fat rope"

  3. containing or composed of fat;

    "fatty food"
    "fat tissue"

  4. lucrative;

    "a juicy contract"
    "a nice fat job"

  5. marked by great fruitfulness;

    "fertile farmland"
    "a fat land"
    "a productive vineyard"
    "rich soil"

  1. make fat or plump;

    "We will plump out that poor starving child"

fatal adj. 致命的,攸关的;毁灭性的,严重的;命中注定的;重大的;
fatalism n. 宿命论;天数;
fatality n. 灾祸;死亡(事故);宿命;致命性;
fatally adv. 致命地;不幸地;宿命地;命中注定地;
fatback n. 背部肥肉;
fate n. 命运;天意;命中注定的事(尤指坏事);
fated adj. 命运已定的,宿命的;受命运支配的;
fateful adj. 重大的;命中注定的;决定性的;预言性的;
fath [医][=Fathom]英寻(=6英尺),测深,了解;
fathead n. 愚钝者,傻瓜;
father n. 父亲;祖先;(尤指天主教和东正教的)神父;天父; vt. 成为父亲;创立(新思想);创造;发明(新方法);
fatherhood n. 父亲的身份,父性,父权;
fatherland n. 祖国;
fatherless adj. 无父的;
fatherly adj. 父亲的,慈父般的;
fathom n. 英寻; vt. 理解…的真意;推测,领会;测深;
fathomless adj. 深不可测的,不可了解的;
fatidic adj. 预言的,预言性的;
fatigable adj. 易疲劳的;

