

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:52



英音 [ˈfaɪə(r)] 美音 [faɪr]


n. 火,燃烧物;火灾;射击,发射;热情;

vt.& vi. 开火,射击;燃烧;引爆炸药;充满热情;

vt. <口>解雇;射(箭);激励;射出(子弹);


  1. the event of something burning (often destructive);

    "they lost everything in the fire"

  2. the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy;

    "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"
    "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"

  3. the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke;

    "fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries"

  4. a fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning;

    "they sat by the fire and talked"

  5. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)

  6. feelings of great warmth and intensity;

    "he spoke with great ardor"

  7. fuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking;

    "put the kettle on the fire"
    "barbecue over an open fire"

  8. a severe trial;

    "he went through fire and damnation"

  9. intense adverse criticism;

    "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"
    "the government has come under attack"
    "don't give me any flak"

  1. start firing a weapon

  2. cause to go off;

    "fire a gun"
    "fire a bullet"

  3. bake in a kiln so as to harden;

    "fire pottery"

  4. terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position;

    "The boss fired his secretary today"
    "The company terminated 25% of its workers"

  5. go off or discharge;

    "The gun fired"

  6. drive out or away by or as if by fire;

    "The soldiers were fired"
    "Surrender fires the cold skepticism"

  7. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses);

    "arouse pity"
    "raise a smile"
    "evoke sympathy"

  8. destroy by fire;

    "They burned the house and his diaries"

  9. provide with fuel;

    "Oil fires the furnace"

afire adj.& adv. 燃烧着的(地);炽烈的(地);沸腾的(地);激动的(地); adj. 燃烧着的(地);
backfire vi. 发生回火;适得其反,事与愿违的结果; n. 逆火;
bonfire n. 营火,篝火;
brushfire n. 局部的,小规模的(战争等);
campfire n. 营火,篝火;
crossfire n. 交叉火力;来自多方面的攻击;卷入两者的争执中并因此遭殃;(可能偶然影响未直接参与者的)激烈言行;
drumfire n. 连续的猛烈炮火;
firearm n. 火器,尤指手枪或步枪;
fireball n. 火球;大流星;(旧式)燃烧弹;<美口>工作起来劲头十足的人;
firebase n. 重火力点(向敌人发射重型炮火的军事基地);
firebird n. 美洲产的色彩鲜艳的小鸟(如金莺鸟);火鸟;
fireboard n. 壁炉遮板;
fireboat n. 救火船;
firebomb n. 火焰炸弹(燃烧弹和凝固汽油弹的总称); vt. 用燃烧弹进攻;
firebox n. 机车锅炉炉膛火室,火室,燃烧室;
firebrand n. 火把;燃烧的木柴;放火者;煽动叛乱者;
firebrat n. 家衣鱼,小灶衣鱼(喜欢生活在温暖潮湿处,淡褐色,无翅);
firebreak n. 防火道;
firebrick n. 耐火砖;
firebug n. 放火者,萤火虫,放火狂;火甲;
firecracker n. 爆竹,鞭炮;
firedamp n. 甲烷,沼气;
firedog n. 柴架,炭架;
firedrake n. 火龙;
firefight n. 交火,火战,炮战;
firefighter n. <美>消防队员;
fireflood n. 火驱(法);
firefly n. 萤火虫;
fireguard n. 围火炉的铁丝网,火炉栏;
firehouse n. 消防站;
firelight n. (炉)火光;营火;炉火;
firelock n. 以燧石发火的旧式枪,明火枪,燧发枪兵;
fireman n. 消防队员;[矿]救火员,爆破工;司炉工;
fireplace n. 壁炉;
fireplug n. 灭火塞,消防塞,消防栓;
firepower n. 火量;火力;
fireproof vt. 使防火,使耐火;
fireside n. 炉边;
firestone n. 燧石,耐火石;

fight fire with fire 以火攻火,以毒攻毒;
fire layer 燃烧层;
fire pot n. 火罐,火盂;
fire-eyed adj. 炯炯有神的;
fire-eater n. 玩吞火把戏的人;
fire line n. 火灾现场的警戒线,(草原、森林等的)火灾最前线;
ladder fire 梯次射击;
fire-engine n. 消防车;
fen fire n. 鬼火;
fire chief 消防队长;
hell-fire n. 地狱之火;
fire clay (耐)火泥,耐火土;耐火粘土;
fire window 防火窗;
fire extinguisher n. 灭火器;
fire annihilator 灭火器;
missile fire 导弹发射;
surface fire 地表火;
bush fire 丛林火;野火;
fire workperiod 林火第一工作日;
fire-alarm n. 火灾报警器;
