

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:52



英音 [ˈdʒenrəl] 美音 [ˈdʒɛnərəl]


adj. 大致的;综合的;总的,全体的;普遍的;

n. 上将;一般;一般原则;常规;


  1. a general officer of the highest rank

  2. the head of a religious order or congregation

  3. a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular);

    "he discussed the general but neglected the particular"

  1. applying to all or most members of a category or group;

    "the general public"
    "general assistance"
    "a general rule"
    "in general terms"
    "comprehensible to the general reader"

  2. not specialized or limited to one class of things;

    "general studies"
    "general knowledge"

  3. prevailing among and common to the general public;

    "the general discontent"

  4. affecting the entire body;

    "a general anesthetic"
    "general symptoms"

  5. somewhat indefinite;

    "bearing a general resemblance to the original"
    "a general description of the merchandise"

  6. of worldwide scope or applicability;

    "an issue of cosmopolitan import"
    "the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"
    "universal experience"

  1. command as a general;

    "We are generaled by an incompetent!"

generalcy n. 将军的军阶、地位、任期或权力;
generalissimo n. 大元帅,最高统帅;
generalist n. 通才,多面手;
generality n. 概括性的话;一般性;大多数;
generalization n. 一般化;普通化;归纳;概论;
generalize vt.& vi. 概括,归纳;推广,普及;使一般化;形成概念; vt. 推广,普及;使一般化;概括; vi. 形成概念;
generalized adj. 广泛的;普遍的;非具体的;整体的; v. 概括,归纳;推论(generalize的过去式和过去分词);推广,普及;
generally adv. 一般地,通常;广泛地,普遍地;概括地;主要地;
generalship n. 将才,(指挥、管理和领导的)才干,将军军阶、地位、任期或权力;
outgeneral vt. 用优越的战术打仗,以指导凌驾;

general election n. 大选,普选;
general equilibrium 一般均衡;
general sandhi 一般连音;
general profit 一般利润;
cook-general n. 兼作厨子与其他家事的佣人;
general effect 大意;纲要;大体的印象;全局的构思;
general function 一般职能;
general considerations 总则;
general reader n. 一般读者;
general broadcast 综合广播;
general plan 总图,总体规划;方略;
general pool 通用池;
general alliance 一般性同盟;
general term n. 总括,公项;泛称;
general horopter [医]全双眼单视界;
general inspector [法] 总监,监察主任,监察长;
general chemistry 普通化学;
general warrant 普通存货单;
general tremor 全身震颤;
General pathologist [医]普通病理学家;
