

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:41



英音 [ˈi:vn] 美音 [ˈivən]


adv. 甚至;更加; 即使;恰巧在…时候;

adj. 公平的;平坦的; 偶数的;平均的;

vt. 使平坦;使相等;

vi. 变平;成为相等;


  1. the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall);

    "he enjoyed the evening light across the lake"

  1. divisible by two

  2. equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced;

    "even amounts of butter and sugar"
    "on even terms"
    "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"
    "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"
    "an even fight"

  3. being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with);

    "an even application of varnish"
    "an even floor"
    "the road was not very even"
    "the picture is even with the window"

  4. symmetrically arranged;

    "even features"
    "regular features"
    "a regular polygon"

  5. occurring at fixed intervals;

    "a regular beat"
    "the even rhythm of his breathing"

  6. of the score in a contest;

    "the score is tied"

  1. used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected;

    "even an idiot knows that"
    "declined even to consider the idea"
    "I don't have even a dollar!"

  2. in spite of; notwithstanding;

    "even when he is sick, he works"
    "even with his head start she caught up with him"

  3. to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons;

    "looked sick and felt even worse"
    "an even (or still) more interesting problem"
    "still another problem must be solved"
    "a yet sadder tale"

  4. to the full extent;

    "loyal even unto death"

  1. make level or straight;

    "level the ground"

  2. become even or more even;

    "even out the surface"

  3. make even or more even

Leven [人名] 利文;[地名] [英国] 利文;
Pleven 普列文(保加利亚北部城市);
eleven num. 十一;十一个;第十一; n. 十一;十一个; adj. 十一的;十一个的;
evenfall n. <诗>傍晚,黄昏;
evenhanded adj. 公平的,公平无私的;
evening n. 傍晚;黄昏;晚会;晚年,衰退期,末期; adj. 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的; int. 晚上好;
evensong n. (英国圣公会的)晚祷,晚课;
event n. 事件,大事;活动,经历;结果;运动项目;
eventful adj. 充满大事的,多事故的,多变故的;
eventide n. <古><诗>黄昏,日暮;
eventual adj. (事件)最终发生的,结果的;可能的;终于的;
eventuality n. <正>可能发生的事情(尤指坏事情);偶然性;不测事件;
eventually adv. 终于,最后;竟;总归;终究;
eventuate vi. 结果,归结;
seven num. 七;七个;第七; n. 七;七个;
uneven adj. 不平坦的,凹凸不平的;不一律的,参差不齐的;不势均力敌的;[数]奇数的;

even intonation 均匀语调;
even bet 胜负机会相等的打赌,成败机会相等;
even symmetry 偶对称;
even so 虽然如此,即使如此;
even isotope 偶同位素;
even odds adv. 成败机会相等;
even multiple 偶倍数;
even tail 平尾;
break even 不盈不亏;够本;保本;得失相当;
even bargain 公平交易;
even wear 均匀磨损;
even-even 偶数对;
even-even element 偶-偶元素;
even-even nucleus 偶-偶核;
even mass 偶质量;
even subgraph 偶子图;
even pressure 均匀压力;
even permutation 偶排列,偶置换;
even substitution 偶代换;
even bearing 表面压力均布的轴承;
