

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:41



英音 [ri:d] 美音 [rid]


vt.& vi. 阅读,朗读;显示;研究;看得懂;

vt. 显示;阅读;读懂,理解;

n. 阅读;读物;读书;里德(人名);

adj. 被朗读的;博识的;博览的;有学问的;


  1. something that is read;

    "the article was a very good read"

  1. interpret something that is written or printed;

    "read the advertisement"
    "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"

  2. have or contain a certain wording or form;

    "The passage reads as follows"
    "What does the law say?"

  3. look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed;

    "The King will read the proclamation at noon"

  4. obtain data from magnetic tapes;

    "This dictionary can be read by the computer"

  5. interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior;

    "She read the sky and predicted rain"
    "I can't read his strange behavior"
    "The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball"

  6. interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression;

    "I read this address as a satire"
    "How should I take this message?"
    "You can't take credit for this!"

  7. be a student of a certain subject;

    "She is reading for the bar exam"

  8. indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments;

    "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"
    "The gauge read `empty'"

  9. audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role;

    "He is auditioning for `Julius Caesar' at Stratford this year"

  10. to hear and understand;

    "I read you loud and clear!"

  11. make sense of a language;

    "She understands French"
    "Can you read Greek?"

bedspread n. 床罩;
beebread n. 蜜蜂食料;
bread n. 面包;食物;营养,营养物;生计; vt. 在…上撒面包屑;
dread vt. 害怕,担心;(古语)敬畏; n. 恐惧,畏惧;令人恐惧的事物; adj. 可怕的; vi. 十分害怕;
flatbread n. 大饼,扁面包;
gingerbread n. 姜饼,姜味饼干;华而不实的东西; adj. 华而不实的;
goldthread [医] 黄连;
misread vt. 读错,念错,对…判断错误;
oread n. <希神><罗神>俄瑞阿得(山岳女神);阳生植物;
outspread adj. 展开的;铺开的;扩张的;传开的; v. 使)扩张,展开,伸开;传播,散布;
overspread vt. 蒙盖;扩张;蔓延;铺满;
packthread n. 包裹绳;
proofread vt. 校正;校对;校勘; vi. 做校对工作;
readable adj. 易读的;易懂的;
reader n. 读者,朗读者;读本;讲读者,讲师;审稿人;
readership n. (报纸杂志拥有者的)读者(数);读者;准教授职位;
readily adv. 乐意地;快捷地;轻而易举地;便利地;
reading n. 阅读;宣读;读物;读数; v. 读( read的现在分词);看懂;理解;显示,标明;
readjust vt.& vi. 再整理,再调整;
readout n. 读出器,读出; adj. 读出的[亦作read-out];
ready adj. 准备好的,现成的;即时的,敏捷的;情愿的;即将的; vt. 做好…的准备; adv. 预先;已完成地; n. 现款;
retread vt. 翻新; n. 翻新的轮胎;
shewbread n. (古犹太教祭司于主日用于祭神的)未发酵的面包;
shortbread n. 用面粉,奶油和糖掺合做成的脆饼;
showbread n. (古犹太教祭司于主日用于祭神的)未发酵的面包;
sowbread n. 仙客来;
spread vt.& vi. 伸开;展开;(使)传播;(使)散布; n. 范围;连续的一段时间; vt. 涂;把…覆盖在…上(over);把…敲平;散发(气、烟等); vi. (景色、景致)展现;传开;(人群)散开;软化; adj. 张开的;[语言学]双唇展开的;(宝石)扁薄发光的;(文章、照片等)跨两栏(或多栏)的;
sweetbread n. 小牛或小羊的胰脏或胸腺,杂碎;
thread n. 线;线索;线状物;螺纹; vt. 穿成串;将(针、线等)穿过…;用…线缝;给…装入(胶片、狭带、绳子);
tread vi. 踩,踏;行走;交尾; vt. 踩成;踏出;步行于;踩(烂); n. 踏,踩,走;交尾;(楼梯的)踏板;轮胎接触地面的部分;
unread adj. (书籍等)未读的;未阅的;(人)不读书的;无学识的;
unthread vt. 抽去线;钻出;解开…的线;弯弯曲曲地走过;
untread vt. 折回,退回;
widespread adj. 分布广的;普遍的;广泛应用;普及的;
wingspread n. 翼幅;

Read diode [电子]里德二极管;
thought-read vt. 用测心术看破;
read saturation 读数饱和度;
read through 仔细阅读;通读;
read-only n. 只读;
read strobe 读出选通脉冲;
read data 读出数据;
read routine 读数程序;
read over 重读;翻阅;批阅;
read for 为取得(学位等)而攻读[学习];
read-through n. 通读;
read-to-read crosstalk 读间串扰;
status read 状态读出;
read error 读出错,读错误;
memory read 存储读出; 存储器读出; 读存储器;存储屏出;
read command 读命令;
unrepeatable read 不可重读;
read forward 顺读,正向读出;
read winding 读数绕组;
read-punch 读孔穿孔机;
