

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:41



英音 [ˈmʌni] 美音 [ˈmʌni]


n. 钱;财富;薪水;款项;


  1. the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender;

    "we tried to collect the money he owed us"

  2. wealth reckoned in terms of money;

    "all his money is in real estate"

  3. the official currency issued by a government or national bank;

    "he changed his money into francs"

moneybag n. 钱袋,财富;钱包;
moneychanger n. 货币兑换商,货币兑换机;
moneyed adj. 有钱的(作定语用);
moneygrubber n. 守财奴,财迷;
moneylender n. <贬>放债的人;
moneymaking adj. 孜孜求利的,热心赚钱的;
moneyman n. 金融家,投资者;
moneywort n. 铜钱状珍珠菜;

consideration money 报偿奖金;
Money talks. st. 金钱万能。;
security money 保证金;
warrant money 保证金;
money management 货币管理;
passage money 船钱,车钱;
money card 货币卡;
ready money n. 现款;现金;现钱;
purchase money n. 买价,定价;
cheap money 低息贷款;来得容易的非正当收入;在钱上好商量的人,低息借款[资金];低利率;
bimetallic money 复本位货币;
consolation money [法] 慰抚金;
derivative money 派生货币;
head money n. 人头税;
drink money n. 酒钱,赏钱;
money office [经] 汇兑办事处(营业所);
money bill 财政法案;
money spinner n. <口>赚钱的人,赢利的企业,赚钱的东西(或事,生意等);
base money 基准货币;
blood money n. 付给凶手的酬金;给被害人家属的抚恤金;为防止报复而给出的钱;因将凶犯交给警察所得的奖金(尤指凶犯被处死刑时);
capital money 资本货币;
