

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:30



英音 [kɑ:(r)] 美音 [kɑr]


n. 汽车;车厢;轿车;


  1. a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine;

    "he needs a car to get to work"

  2. a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad;

    "three cars had jumped the rails"

  3. the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant

  4. where passengers ride up and down;

    "the car was on the top floor"

  5. a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway;

    "they took a cable car to the top of the mountain"

car. [医][=carotid]慢性非特异性呼吸疾病;
carabao n. 水牛;
carabid n. 步行虫,步甲;
carabineer n. 卡宾枪手;
carabiner n. (提花机的)竖钩;
carabinier n. 卡宾枪手;
carabiniere n. (意大利)警察;
caracal n. 猞猁,大山猫;薮猫;
caracara n. 卡拉卡拉鹰;
carack n. (carrack的变体)从前西、葡两国用的大型帆船;
caracole n. 半旋转腾跃; vi. (马或骑士)表演半旋转腾跃; vt. 使(马)半旋转腾跃;
caracul n. 一种产于中亚的羊,此种羊的毛皮;
carafe n. 玻璃水瓶(或酒瓶);
carambola n. 五敛子树;阳桃树;
caramel n. 焦糖;(含焦糖味的)太妃糖;焦糖色;
caramelize v. 加熔(糖)使焦,(糖)熔化而变成焦糖;
carangid n. 科鱼;
carapace n. (龟、蟹等的)硬壳;
carat n. (宝石的重量单位)克拉;,(金子)开(以纯金为24开表示金含量的单位);=karat;

