

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:20



英音 [ʃʊə(r)] 美音 [ʃʊr]


adj. 确信的,确实的;有把握的;无疑的;一定的;

adv. 当然;确实地;无疑地;


  1. having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured;

    "felt certain of success"
    "was sure (or certain) she had seen it"
    "was very sure in his beliefs"
    "sure of her friends"

  2. exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance;

    "be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through"
    "be sure to lock the doors"

  3. certain to occur; destined or inevitable;

    "he was certain to fail"
    "his fate is certain"
    "In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes"
    "he faced certain death"
    "sudden but sure regret"
    "he is sure to win"

  4. physically secure or dependable;

    "a sure footing"
    "was on sure ground"

  5. reliable in operation or effect;

    "a quick and certain remedy"
    "a sure way to distinguish the two"
    "wood dust is a sure sign of termites"

  6. (of persons) worthy of trust or confidence;

    "a sure (or trusted) friend"

  7. infallible or unfailing;

    "a sure (or true) sign of one's commitment"

  8. certain not to fail;

    "a sure hand on the throttle"

  9. impossible to doubt or dispute;

    "indisputable (or sure) proof"

  1. definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely');

    "the results are surely encouraging"
    "she certainly is a hard worker"
    "it's going to be a good day for sure"
    "they are coming, for certain"
    "they thought he had been killed sure enough"
    "he'll win sure as shooting"
    "they sure smell good"
    "sure he'll come"

Saussure [人名] 索热尔;
acupressure n. 针压(止血)法;
admeasure v. 分配,配给;
assure vt. 向…保证;使…确信;<英>给…保险;
backpressure 反压力,背压;
censure n. 指责,谴责;责备;斥责; vt. 指责;谴责;责备;批评; vi. 谴责,责备;
closure n. (永久的)停业,关闭;结束;[电]闭合;[数]闭包; vt. 使结束,使终止;使停止辩论;
cocksure adj. 过于自信的;
coinsure v. 共同保险,共同担保;
commissure n. 接合处;
composure n. 镇静,沉着;头脑镇定或沉着的状态;
countermeasure n. 对策,反措施;
cynosure n. 引人注目的人(或物),焦点;
disclosure n. (发明等的)公开;泄露,揭露;开诚布公的话;被公开的事情,被披露的秘闻;
discomposure n. 心乱,不安;
displeasure n. 不愉快,不满意;悲伤;发怒,生气;
embrasure n. 枪眼;炮眼;斜面墙;楔状隙;
enclosure n. 圈占;围绕;圈占地;附件;
ensure vt. 确保;担保获得[避免];使(某人)获得;使安全;
erasure n. 擦掉,删去;删掉的词;消音;抹音;
exposure n. 暴露;揭发;公开;(商品等的)展出;
fissure n. 狭长裂缝或裂隙;裂伤;分歧; 分裂; vt.& vi. 裂开;
foreclosure n. 丧失抵押品赎回权,排斥;
impressure n. 感觉,印象;
insure vt. 保证;确保;为…保险;投保; vi. 买卖或卖保险;
leisure n. 空闲时间;闲暇;悠闲;安逸; adj. 空闲的;闲暇的;
licensure n. 发给许可证;
measure n. 测量,测度;措施;程度;尺寸; vt. 测量;估量; vi. 测量;测量(大小,容量,尺寸等);
overpressure n. 过度的重压;过劳;过压;超压力;
pleasure n. 愉快;娱乐;令人高兴的事; vt. 使高兴;使满意; vi. 觉得高兴,享受;寻欢作乐;
pressure n. 压(力);压力;气压(或血压)(的缩略形式);压(迫)感; vi. 施加压力;迫使;使(机舱等)增压;
reassure vt. 使安心,使消除疑虑;再对…进行保险;再保证;
reinsure vt. 再保险,分保;
scissure n. <罕>裂口,(身体上或器官上的)切口,裂缝;
surely adv. 无疑;一定,确实;(回答)当然,好;保管;
surety n. 保证人,担保,保证;
tonsure n. 剪发,头顶剃光的部分,削发式; vt. 剃;
treasure n. 金银财宝;宝藏;珍宝;不可多得的人才; vt. 重视;珍惜;珍视;储存;
underinsure 保险价值过低;

sure-enough adj. 确实的;
make sure 把事情弄清楚,核实或查明某事物;设法确保出现某事物;务使;
for sure 无疑;准保;
sure thing 是的,当然;
sure enough 果然;的的确确;
to be sure of 肯定,肯定能得到;
make assurance doubly sure 加倍小心,特别慎重;慎始敬终;慎之又慎;敲钉钻脚;
be sure of foot 踏实;
be sure and... 一定要…;
a sure card 万全之策,可以信赖的人;
sure event 必然事件;
sure region 必然区域;
be sure that 注意,一定要做到,使有把握;
as sure as nails 肯定无疑必然;
as sure as death 肯定无疑 必然 千真万确;的的确确;
as sure as fate 千真万确地;
