

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:08



英音 [weə(r)] 美音 [wer]


vt. 穿着,戴着;面露;留着(胡须等);磨损;

vi. 耐用;保持不变;磨损,耗损;逐渐或枯燥地通过;

n. 穿着;穿戴物,衣物;磨损,穿旧;耐用性;


  1. impairment resulting from long use;

    "the tires showed uneven wear"

  2. a covering designed to be worn on a person's body

  3. the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment;

    "she bought it for everyday wear"

  1. be dressed in;

    "She was wearing yellow that day"

  2. have on one's person;

    "He wore a red ribbon"
    "bear a scar"

  3. have in one's aspect; wear an expression of one's attitude or personality;

    "He always wears a smile"

  4. deteriorate through use or stress;

    "The constant friction wore out the cloth"

  5. have or show an appearance of;

    "wear one's hair in a certain way"

  6. last and be usable;

    "This dress wore well for almost ten years"

  7. go to pieces;

    "The lawn mower finally broke"
    "The gears wore out"
    "The old chair finally fell apart completely"

  8. exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress;

    "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  9. put clothing on one's body;

    "What should I wear today?"
    "He put on his best suit for the wedding"
    "The princess donned a long blue dress"
    "The queen assumed the stately robes"
    "He got into his jeans"

beachwear n. 海滨服装;
daywear 便服;日常衣服;
eyewear [医]护目镜;
footwear n. (总称)鞋类;
foreswear v. 幸运;
formalwear n. 正装;礼服;
forswear vt. 发誓抛弃;坚决放弃;发伪誓;作伪证;
headwear n. 头饰,吊索;
knitwear n. 针织品;
leatherwear 皮革服装;
leisurewear n. 休闲服;
loungewear n. (总称)家常便服;
menswear n. <正>男装;男装部;男服;
neckwear n. 领带,围巾之类;
nightwear n. 睡衣,寝衣;
outerwear n. (总称)外衣,外套;
outwear v. 比…经久,使筋疲力尽,用旧;
overwear v. 使过度疲乏,使过度磨损;
playwear n. (空闲时穿的)游乐装,轻便服;
rainwear n. 防水衣,雨衣;
skiwear n. (总称)滑雪服装;
sleepwear n. 睡衣裤;
sportswear n. 运动装,休闲活动穿着的衣服;
swear v. 发誓;咒骂; n. 发誓,宣誓;咒骂;
swimwear n. 游泳衣;
underwear n. 衬衣,内衣;
unswear v. 违背誓言,食言;
wearability n. 穿着性能,耐磨损性;磨蚀性;服用性能;
wearable adj. 可穿用的,可佩带的,耐磨的; n. 衣服;
weariful adj. 疲乏的;厌烦的;使人疲倦的;令人厌倦的;
weariless adj. 不疲倦的,不厌烦的;
wearing adj. 使人疲乏的,令人厌烦的; v. 穿着( wear的现在分词 );磨成;使疲乏;同意;
wearisome adj. 令人疲乏的,令人厌烦的;劳;
weary adj. 疲倦的;困乏的;令人厌倦[生厌,发腻]的;感到厌倦的; vt.& vi. (使)疲乏,(使)厌烦; v. 疲倦,疲乏;厌倦,厌烦;渴望,切望;

wear surface 磨损面;
wear black v. 穿丧服;
overload wear 过载磨损;
wear particle 磨损的颗粒;
wear prevention 防止磨损;
wear loss 磨耗减量,磨耗量;
even wear 均匀磨损;
wear mechanics 磨损力学;
oxidative wear 氧化磨损;
wear hardness 抗磨硬度,抗磨力;
wear tables 磨损表;
wear pattern 磨耗图纹;
concentrated wear 局部磨损;
inordinate wear 异常磨损;
leather wear 皮革服装;
wear loose 磨松;
brush wear 电刷磨损;
wear strip 防磨板,防磨条;
wear value 磨耗值;
wear rate 磨损率;
hydroabrasive wear 流体磨料磨损;
