

词库    2019-03-05 12:09:08



英音 [lɒk] 美音 [lɑk]


n. 锁;水闸,船闸;(机器部件等的)锁定;一把,一撮;

vt. 锁上;锁好,关好;使固定;隐藏;

vi. 卡住,不动;纠结;僵硬不动;


  1. a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed

  2. a strand or cluster of hair

  3. a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun

  4. enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it

  5. a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key

  6. any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured

  1. fasten with a lock;

    "lock the bike to the fence"

  2. keep engaged;

    "engaged the gears"

  3. become rigid or immoveable;

    "The therapist noticed that the patient's knees tended to lock in this exercise"

  4. hold in a locking position;

    "He locked his hands around her neck"

  5. become engaged or intermeshed with one another;

    "They were locked in embrace"

  6. hold fast (in a certain state);

    "He was locked in a laughing fit"

  7. place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape;

    "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"
    "She locked her jewels in the safe"

  8. pass by means through a lock in a waterway

  9. build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels

Block n. 块;街区;<英>大楼,大厦;障碍物,阻碍; vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;
Havelock n. 遮阳布;
Herblock [人名] 赫布洛克;
Pollock n. 鳕鱼类;青鳕;
Turlock [地名] [美国] 特洛克;
Wheelock [人名] 惠洛克;[地名] [英国、英国] 惠洛克;
block n. 块;街区;<英>大楼,大厦;障碍物,阻碍; vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;
breechblock n. 尾栓,闩体,螺体;炮栓;炮闩;
bullock n. 阉牛,一岁半以下的小公牛;
cellblock n. 监狱中一组囚犯室;
charlock n. 野芥子;田芥菜;
clock n. 钟,时钟;计时器;秒表;仪表; vt. 记录(时间或速度);测…的速度; vi. 打卡;记下时间;
deadlock n. 僵局;停顿,停滞;没有弹簧的锁; vt. 停顿;相持不下; vi. 成僵局;
elflock n. 纠结的头发,卷发;
fetlock n. (马等蹄后上部的)丛毛,球节(生距毛的突起部分);
firelock n. 以燧石发火的旧式枪,明火枪,燧发枪兵;
flintlock n. 燧石发火装置,燧发枪;
flock n. 兽群,鸟群;群众;棉束;大堆,大量; vi. 群集,成群结队而行; vt. 用棉束填;
forelock n. 额发,额毛; vt. 以栓、楔固定,销住;
gridlock n. 交通全面大堵塞;僵局; v. (交通等)堵塞;
gunlock n. 板机;枪机;
hammerlock n. (摔跤)将对方手臂扭到背后;
havelock n. 遮阳布;
headlock n. 将对手的头紧挟于腋下的一种摔角法;
hemlock n. 由毒芹提取的毒药;
hillock n. 小丘;
interlock n. <计>互锁设备;双螺纹针织品; v. 互锁;连锁;
killock n. 小锚,石锚;
lockage n. 水闸的构筑,水位高度;过闸;
locker n. 寄物柜;上锁的人;小橱;冷藏间;
locket n. 小盒,纪念品盒;
lockjaw n. 破伤风,牙关紧闭症;
lockkeeper n. 水闸看守人;
lockmaster n. 闸门监视人;
locknut n. 防松螺母,对开螺母;
lockout n. 停工(业主为抵制工人的要求而停工);
lockset 锁具;
locksmith n. 锁匠;

lock catch 锁扣,停止档,闭锁掣子;
lock-in n. 占据;
lock range 同步范围;
trick lock 有毛病的锁;
lock lever 锁杆,锁闭手柄;
air lock n. 阻隔室,气塞;锁气室;
ship lock 船闸;
mortise lock n. 插锁;
snap lock n. 弹簧锁;
lock up 将…锁住[关押];关禁闭;钤;关;
war lock n. 男巫,术士,巫师;
lock and lock lift 锁销与锁销提臂;
equipment lock 设备运输气闸;
cross lock 栓;
cam-lock [医]偏心闩;
sea lock 通海船闸;峡湾;
raft lock 木材流放闸,过筏闸;
privacy lock 机密锁,保密锁;
lock loop 锁(定)环;
bayonet lock 插销栓;卡口式连接;卡销;卡住;
insurance lock 保险门锁;
lock away 把…锁起来;
