英音 [faɪt] 美音 [faɪt]
vt.& vi. 战斗;斗争;打架;吵架;
n. 打架;吵架;战斗;斗志;
"Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga"
"he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement"
"a fight broke out at the hockey game"
"there was fighting in the streets"
"the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"
"the team was full of fight"
"a violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senate"
"the fight was on television last night"
"the tribesmen fought each other"
"Siblings are always fighting"
"Militant groups are contending for control of the country"
"The senator said he would oppose the bill"
"Don't fight it!"
"She struggled for years to survive without welfare"
"He fought for breath"
"The liberal party pushed for reforms"
"She is crusading for women's rights"
"The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"
bullfight n. 斗牛(流行于西班牙和南美洲);
catfight n. 激烈的争辩;
cockfight n. 斗鸡;
dogfight n. 混战;空战;狗咬狗;缠斗; vi. 在空中缠斗;
fighter n. 战士(尤指士兵或拳击者);[航]战斗机,歼击机;斗争者,奋斗者;好斗的人;
firefight n. 交火,火战,炮战;
fistfight n. 互殴;格斗;
gunfight n.& vi. (两人之间的)用枪格斗;
prizefight n. 职业拳击赛;
running fight 且行且战,追击战;
dingdong fight 旗鼓相当的战斗,势均力敌的比赛;
fight back 抵抗; 反击;强忍住;恢复;
triangular fight 三人间的斗争,三方面之间的战斗;
Straight fight 一对一的两人竞选,只有两个方面的角逐;
fight together 并肩作战;相互争斗;
fight off 在战斗[自卫]中击败(某人);竭力摆脱[驱走,阻止,回避…];辟;
fight out 解决矛盾;努力离开…;
prize fight n. 职业拳击赛;
bun fight n. 茶会;
fight against 与…作斗争[争吵],反对…;
fight gang 打群架,聚众打架;
sea fight n. 海战;
glove-fight n. 拳击;
bull-fight n. 斗牛;
show fight v. 表现斗志;
fight down 控[抑]制,克服;
fight on 在…作战;在(某方面)反对(某人);