

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:43



英音 [plæn] 美音 [plæn]


n. 计划;打算;平面图;示意图;

vt.& vi. 计划,打算,设计;


  1. a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished;

    "they drew up a six-step plan"
    "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"

  2. an arrangement scheme;

    "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"
    "it was an excellent design for living"
    "a plan for seating guests"

  3. scale drawing of a structure;

    "the plans for City Hall were on file"

  1. have the will and intention to carry out some action;

    "He plans to be in graduate school next year"
    "The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion"

  2. make plans for something;

    "He is planning a trip with his family"

  3. make or work out a plan for; devise;

    "They contrived to murder their boss"
    "design a new sales strategy"
    "plan an attack"

  4. make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form;

    "design a better mousetrap"
    "plan the new wing of the museum"

Kaplan [人名] 卡普兰;[地名] [美国] 卡普兰;
counterplan n. (用来对付另一计划的)反击计划;对抗方案;替补计划;预备方案;
planar adj. 平面的,平坦的;
planarian n. 真涡虫,三肠虫;
planation n. 均夷作用;夷平作用;
planchet n. 造币用金属板;圆片;圆垫;
planchette n. 占卜写板(迷信活动用的一种道具);
plane n. 水平;平面;飞机;木工刨; adj. 平的,平坦的; vt. 用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶; vi. 鸟滑翔;
planeload n. 飞机负载量;
planer n. 刨工,刨机;刨路机;水榆;平刨;
planeside n. 飞机边地区,飞机旁位置;
planet n. [天]行星;[占星](左右人命运的)星相;
planetarium n. 天文馆;天象仪;
planetary adj. 行星的;俗世的,现世的;流浪的,飘忽不定的;[机]行星齿轮的;
planetesimal n. 星子,星子假说,小行星体; adj. 星子的,星子组成的;
planetoid n. 小行星;
planetology n. 行星学;
plangent adj. <正>(声音)洪亮的;轰鸣的;<文>(声音或图像)哀婉的;凄凉的;
plani- 表示“平面”,“平的”,“平坦的”,“扁平”;
planimeter n. 测面器,求积计;
planish vt. 打平,压平,(金属等的)精轧;
planisphere n. 平面天球图,星座图;
plank n. (厚)木板;支持物;政纲条目; vt. 在…上铺板;重重放下;立即付款;
planking v. 加衬;毡合;缩绒;
plankter n. 构成浮游生物的每一微生物;
plankton n. 浮游生物;
plano- [医] 游走,游动,平,扁平;
planoblast n. 浮游水母;
planoconcave 平凹的;
planoconvex 平凸的;
planogamete n. 游动配子;
planography n. 平版;
planometer n. 测平器,平规;
plant n. 植物,草木;设备;工厂;庄稼; vt. 种植;安,插;建设,布置;移民于;
plantain n. 车前草,香蕉之一种;
plantar adj. 脚底的;蹠面;
plantation n. 种植园,大农场;栽植;<史>殖民,殖民地;
planter n. 种植园主,大农场主;种植者,播种机;殖民者;培植器皿,花架;

plan of application plan 申请计划;
laboratory plan 实验室制;
recording plan 记账设计;
research plan 科学研究计划;
core plan 型芯面;
project plan 项目计划;
amendment plan 修正图;
master plan n. 总平面图,总体规划,总规则;
preliminary plan 初步设计,初步计划;
creative plan 造物图案;
longitudinal plan 纵剖面图,垂直投影,前视图;
vertical plan 立面图;
routine-plan 例行程序图案;
flight plan 飞行计划;
orthographic plan 平面图;
plan yield 计划产量;
picture plan 像片平面图;
farm plan [经] 农业计划;
location plan 矿山开拓位置图;
cadastral plan 地籍图;
alternating plan 选择制;
construction plan 结构图,施工图;
