

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:43



英音 [dɒg] 美音 [dɔg]


n. 狗;蹩脚货;丑女人;卑鄙小人;

v. 困扰;跟踪;


  1. a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds;

    "the dog barked all night"

  2. a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman;

    "she got a reputation as a frump"
    "she's a real dog"

  3. informal term for a man;

    "you lucky dog"

  4. someone who is morally reprehensible;

    "you dirty dog"

  5. a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll

  6. a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward

  7. metal supports for logs in a fireplace;

    "the andirons were too hot to touch"

  1. go after with the intent to catch;

    "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"
    "the dog chased the rabbit"

dogbane n. 夹竹桃,毒狗草;
dogberry n. 山茱萸的果实,山茱萸;
dogcart n. 轻便的双轮马车,狗拖的轻便小车,狗小车;
dogcatcher n. 捕狗人;
doge n. 共和国总督;
dogface n. <俚>小兵(尤指步兵);
dogfight n. 混战;空战;狗咬狗;缠斗; vi. 在空中缠斗;
dogfish n. <动>角鲨,星鲨;
dogged adj. 顽强的;固执的; vt. 跟踪;尾随(dog的过去式);
doggerel n. 拙劣的诗,打油诗;顺口溜;
doggie n. 小狗,狗,汪汪;
doggish adj. 狗一样的,嘴巴泼辣的,卑鄙的;
doggo adv. 静静躲藏着地,一动也不动地;
doggone adj. 可憎的,可恶的; adv. 非常,极端地; int. 畜生!他妈的!;
doggrel n. 打油诗;
doggy n. 小犬,小狗; adj. 像狗一样的;
doghouse n. 狗窝,犬舍;

DOG n. 狗;蹩脚货;丑女人;卑鄙小人; v. 困扰;跟踪;
dog-eat-dog n. 自相残杀; adj. 自相残杀的,竞争激烈的;
dog eat dog 人吃人,各人顾各人,残酷无情的竞争;
double dog 双制动爪;
dog-tired adj. 疲倦极的,筋疲力尽的;
riveted dog 铆钉锁簧;
brake dog 手制动棘轮掣子;
shepherd dog n. 牧羊犬;
pye-dog n. (亚洲的)无主野狗;
dog-violet n. 无香味的野生紫罗兰;
house dog n. 看门狗,家犬;
DOG n. 狗;蹩脚货;丑女人;卑鄙小人; v. 困扰;跟踪;
dog-eat-dog n. 自相残杀; adj. 自相残杀的,竞争激烈的;
dog-tired adj. 疲倦极的,筋疲力尽的;
shepherd dog n. 牧羊犬;
dog-violet n. 无香味的野生紫罗兰;
dog it (在比赛、演出、工作中)吊儿郎当,敷衍了事;
dog ear [医]狗耳:一种缝术;
feed dog 传动卡爪;
gate dog 闸门钩;
dog-eared adj. 卷角的(书等);
