

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:43



英音 [gu:s] 美音 [ɡus]


n. 鹅;鹅肉;雌鹅;傻瓜;

v. 拧或掐屁股;忽然加满油; 催促;


  1. web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks

  2. a man who is a stupid incompetent fool

  3. flesh of a goose (domestic or wild)

  1. pinch in the buttocks;

    "he goosed the unsuspecting girl"

  2. prod into action

  3. give a spurt of fuel to;

    "goose the car"

gooseberry n. 醋栗;醋栗树丛;(陪伴年轻女人到交际场所的)女伴;当电灯泡(夹在两个情侶之间的不知趣者);
goosefish n. [鱼类]美洲鮟鱇 (Lophius americanus) [亦称作 angler, anglerfish, allmouth, lotte, monkfish];
goosefoot n. 藜;莱;
gooseneck n. 曲如鹅颈之物,雁颈,鹅颈管;鹅圈;
mongoose n. 猫鼬;

goose skirt 腹壁肌肉层的后缘;
goose-step n. 走正步的步伐,正步; vi. 以正步走,踢正步;
upland goose 山地雁;
Canada goose n. 加拿大黑雁,黑额黑雁;
gone goose 不可救药的人,无希望的事;
cooked goose 不可救药的人,无希望的事;
wild goose n. 雁,野鹅;大雁;
barnacle goose n. 黑雁;
goose quill n. 鹅毛笔;
goose-club n. 为购买圣诞节用鹅而起的合会;
goose egg (体育比赛或考试成绩)零分;
goose walk [医]鸭行步态;
brand goose n. 黑雁;
goose liver 鹅肝;
goose tibia [医]鹅腿骨;
swan goose 鹅雁;鸿;鸿雁;
goose breathing [医] 鹅式呼吸;
goose feathers [医]鹅毛;
goose pimples n. 小疙瘩;
golden goose n. 传说中每天能下一金蛋的鹅;
