

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:43



英音 [dʒu:s] 美音 [dʒus]


n. 果汁;肉汁;胃液;


  1. the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue by squeezing or cooking

  2. energetic vitality;

    "her creative juices were flowing"

  3. electric current;

    "when the wiring was finished they turned on the juice"

  4. any of several liquids of the body;

    "digestive juices"

juiced adj. 有汁的,喝醉的;
juicehead n. <美俚>嗜饮烈酒的人,酒鬼;
juicer n. <美>榨汁器,<美俚>酒鬼;榨汁机;挤汁器;
verjuice n. 酸果汁,(脾气,态度等的)尖酸刻薄;乖戾;生果汁;

residual juice 残留汁;
duodenal juice 十二指肠液;
normal juice 原汁;
turbid juice 混汁;
beef juice 牛肉汁,牛肉压榨汁;
gastric juice n. 胃液;
juice gauge 液量计;
juice purification 汁液提纯,糖汁净化;
intestinal juice 肠液;
scum juice 带泥糖汁,渣汁;
powdered juice 果汁粉;
manure juice 厩肥液汁;
alimentary juice [医]消化液;
lemon juice 柠檬原汁;
juice content 果汁含量;
salivary juice [医]唾液;
natural juice 原汁(指肉制品罐头);
juice-head n. <美俚>酒鬼,嗜饮烈酒的人;
tomato juice 番茄汁;
cane juice 蔗汁;
