

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:16



英音 [si:] 美音 [si]


vt.& vi. 看见;领会,理解;查看;参观;

n. 主教教区;主教权限;牧座;


  1. the seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located

  1. perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight;

    "You have to be a good observer to see all the details"
    "Can you see the bird in that tree?"
    "He is blind--he cannot see"

  2. perceive (an idea or situation) mentally;

    "Now I see!"
    "I just can't see your point"
    "Does she realize how important this decision is?"
    "I don't understand the idea"

  3. perceive or be contemporaneous with;

    "We found Republicans winning the offices"
    "You'll see a lot of cheating in this school"
    "The 1960's saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions"
    "I want to see results"

  4. imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind;

    "I can't see him on horseback!"
    "I can see what will happen"
    "I can see a risk in this strategy"

  5. deem to be;

    "She views this quite differently from me"
    "I consider her to be shallow"
    "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"

  6. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally;

    "I learned that she has two grown-up children"
    "I see that you have been promoted"

  7. see or watch;

    "view a show on television"
    "This program will be seen all over the world"
    "view an exhibition"
    "Catch a show on Broadway"
    "see a movie"

  8. come together;

    "I'll probably see you at the meeting"
    "How nice to see you again!"

  9. find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort;

    "I want to see whether she speaks French"
    "See whether it works"
    "find out if he speaks Russian"
    "Check whether the train leaves on time"

  10. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something;

    "He verified that the valves were closed"
    "See that the curtains are closed"
    "control the quality of the product"

  11. go to see for professional or business reasons;

    "You should see a lawyer"
    "We had to see a psychiatrist"

  12. go to see for a social visit;

    "I went to see my friend Mary the other day"

  13. go to see a place, as for entertainment;

    "We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning"

  14. take charge of or deal with;

    "Could you see about lunch?"
    "I must attend to this matter"
    "She took care of this business"

  15. receive as a specified guest;

    "the doctor will see you now"
    "The minister doesn't see anybody before noon"

  16. date regularly; have a steady relationship with;

    "Did you know that she is seeing an older man?"
    "He is dating his former wife again!"

  17. see and understand, have a good eye;

    "The artist must first learn to see"

  18. deliberate or decide;

    "See whether you can come tomorrow"
    "let's see--which movie should we see tonight?"

  19. observe as if with an eye;

    "The camera saw the burglary and recorded it"

  20. observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect;

    "The customs agent examined the baggage"
    "I must see your passport before you can enter the country"

  21. go or live through;

    "We had many trials to go through"
    "he saw action in Viet Nam"

  22. accompany or escort;

    "I'll see you to the door"

  23. match or meet;

    "I saw the bet of one of my fellow players"

  24. make sense of; assign a meaning to;

    "What message do you see in this letter?"
    "How do you interpret his behavior?"

seecatch n. 阿拉斯加成年雄海狗;
seed n. 种子;子孙;起源;(尤指网球比赛)种子选手; vt. 播种;抽出种子选手;除去…之种子;确定(某人)为种子选手; vi. 结籽;(种子)繁殖;
seedbed n. 苗床,<喻>温床,发源地;
seedeater n. 食籽雀;
seeder n. 播种机,播种人,去核器;
seedling n. 秧苗,幼苗;树苗;实生苗;
seedpod n. 心皮;
seedtime n. 播种时期,准备阶段,发展阶段;
seedy adj. 破烂的;多籽的,籽状的;疲倦的;粗鄙的;
seeing conj. <口>因为,鉴于,由于; n. 看见;观看;参观; v. 看见( see的现在分词 );观看;领会;考虑;
seek vt. 寻找,探寻;追求,谋求;往或朝…而去;[废语]考察; vi. 查找,查寻;找一找;
seeker n. 搜索者,探求者;搜查人;自动导引的弹头;
seel vt. 闭上(眼睛);
seem v. 好像,仿佛;似乎;装作;看来好像;
seeming adj. 表面上的,似乎真实的; n. 外观,外貌,表象; v. 好像,仿佛( seem的现在分词 );
seemly adj. 得体的,适宜的,合乎礼仪的;
seen v. 看见( see的过去分词 );观看;领会;考虑;
seep vi. (液体)渗;渗透;渗出;漏出; n. 水陆两用吉普车;小水坑;
seepage n. 漏,渗;渗漏;渗液;渗溢;

