英音 [strɒŋ] 美音 [strɔŋ]
adj. 强的;坚强的;强烈的;强壮的;
adv. 强劲地;猛烈地;大大地;坚强地;
"a strong radio signal"
"strong medicine"
"a strong man"
"a strong odor of burning rubber"
"providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons"
"a potent toxin"
"potent liquor"
"a potent cup of tea"
"a stiff drink"
"an impregnable fortress"
"fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"
"a secure telephone connection"
"a solid foundation"
"several substantial timber buildings"
"`sing' is a strong verb"
"hard liquor"
"a warm trail"
"the scent is warm"
"a firm grasp"
"gave a strong pull on the rope"
Armstrong n. 阿姆斯壮(美国宇航员,1969年7月登陆月球,成为第一个登上月球的地球人);
headstrong adj. 任性的,刚愎自用的;
strongbox n. 保险箱;
stronghold n. 要塞;据点;根据地;
strongman n. 大力士;
strongpoint n. 战略要点,长处,优点;据点;
strongyle n. 圆线虫;两头圆针;
strongylosis n. 圆线虫病;
strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的,有主见的;
strong brine 浓盐水;
strong digraph 强双图;
strong point. n. 长处,专长,强项;
strong caustic 浓氢氧化钠溶液;
strong concrete 高强度混凝土;
strong measures 强硬措施,高压手段;
strong waters 烈性饮料,烈性酒;
market strong n. 市场坚挺;
strong extremum 强性极值;
strong man n. 大力士,强人;
strong wheat 面筋强的小麦;
strong rubber 强胶;
strong line 强谱线;
strong precedence [计] 强优先;
strong type 强型;
strong discontinuity 强间断;
Strong's dysentery 斯特朗菌痢;
strong differentiability 强可微性;
strong denaturant [医]强变性剂;
strong vat 强碱瓮;
strong room 保险库;