

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:16



英音 [saɪt] 美音 [saɪt]


n. 地点,位置,场所;[计算机]网站;遗址;地皮;

vt. 使坐落在;安放,设置;给…造址;为…提供场所;


  1. the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located);

    "a good site for the school"

  2. physical position in relation to the surroundings;

    "the sites are determined by highly specific sequences of nucleotides"

  3. a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web;

    "the Israeli web site was damaged by hostile hackers"

  1. assign a location to;

    "The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles"

Hussite n. (捷克爱国者和宗教改革家)胡斯的信徒(或拥护者),胡斯运动成员;
Monophysite n. 基督一性论者;
andalusite n. 红柱石;
andesite n. 安山岩;
anglesite n. 硫酸铅矿;铅矾;
anorthosite n. 钙长石(一种粒状火成岩);斜长岩;
apposite adj. 适当的,合适的,贴切的;
bastnaesite 氟碳铈矿;
campsite n. 野营地,露营预定地;
cerussite n. 白铅矿;
composite adj. 混合成的,综合成的;[建]综合式的;[数]可分解的;[植]菊科的; n. 合成物,混合物,复合材料;[植]菊科植物;
ectoparasite n. 皮外寄生物,外寄生虫;
endoparasite n. 内部寄生物,体内寄生虫;内寄生物;
exquisite adj. 精致的;细腻的;优美的;剧烈的; n. 过分讲究穿戴的人;
felsite n. 霏细岩,致密长石;
hemiparasite n. 半寄生植物,半寄生物;
inapposite adj. 不合适的;
lewisite n. 刘易士毒气;路易斯气;
magnesite n. 菱镁矿;
marcasite n. 白铁矿;
martensite n. 马氏体;
opposite adj. 相对的;对面的;对立的;[数学](顶、边等)对的; prep. (表示位置)在…的对面;[数学](顶、边等)对的;与…在一排;(表示方式)与…联合主演; adv. 在对面,对过; n. 对立面,对立物,相反的人[事物];
parasite n. 寄生物,寄生虫;食客;寄生植物;天线反射器;
perquisite n. (工资以外的)财务补贴;额外收入;(随职位而得到的)好处;利益;
polybasite n. 硫锑铜银矿;
prerequisite n. 先决条件,前提,必要条件; adj. 必须先具备的,必要的;先决条件的;
pyrolusite n. 软锰矿;
requisite n. 必需品;要素,要件; adj. 需要的,必要的;
rhodochrosite n. 菱锰矿;
semiparasite n. 半寄生;半寄生物;
zoisite n. 黝帘石;
zooparasite n. 寄生动物;

