

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:06



英音 [sli:p] 美音 [slip]


vi.& link-v. 睡,睡觉;

vi. 睡,睡觉;睡眠状态;

vt. 为…提供床位;提供住宿;以睡觉打发日子;

n. 睡眠;


  1. a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended;

    "he didn't get enough sleep last night"
    "calm as a child in dreamless slumber"

  2. a torpid state resembling deep sleep

  3. a period of time spent sleeping;

    "he felt better after a little sleep"
    "there wasn't time for a nap"

  4. euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb);

    "she was laid to rest beside her husband"
    "they had to put their family pet to sleep"

  1. be asleep

  2. be able to accommodate for sleeping;

    "This tent sleeps six people"

asleep adj. 睡着的;休眠的;麻木的;已死的; adv. 熟睡地;处于麻木不仁的状态;长眠;
oversleep vi. 睡得太久,睡过头;
sleeper n. 卧车;轨枕;睡觉(呈某种状态)的人;冬眠动物;
sleepless adj. 失眠的,睡不着的;不眠的,醒着的;无休止的;警觉的;
sleepover n. 就是孩子到别的小朋友家过夜。;
sleepwalk vi. 梦游;
sleepwalking n. 梦游病; v. 梦游( sleepwalk的现在分词 );
sleepwear n. 睡衣裤;
sleepy adj. 欲睡的;困乏的;安静的;冷清的;
sleepyhead n. <口>贪睡者,懒鬼;

