

词库    2019-03-05 12:08:06



英音 [hi:t] 美音 [hit]


n. 热,热度,高温;热烈,激烈;(身体的)发烧,发热;发情;

vt.&vi. 使温暖,使热;激发…的感情,使兴奋;


  1. a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature

  2. the presence of heat

  3. the sensation caused by heat energy

  4. the trait of being intensely emotional

  5. applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity

  6. a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race

  7. utility to warm a building;

    "the heating system wasn't working"
    "they have radiant heating"

  1. make hot or hotter;

    "the sun heats the oceans"
    "heat the water on the stove"

  2. provide with heat;

    "heat the house"

  3. arouse or excite feelings and passions;

    "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"
    "The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world"
    "Wake old feelings of hatred"

  4. gain heat or get hot;

    "The room heated up quickly"

buckwheat n. 蓼科荞麦属;荞麦种;荞麦粉;荍;
cheat vt. 欺骗,诈骗;误导,愚弄;躲避,逃脱; vi. 作弊,行骗;犯规;俚〉不忠;消磨,解(闷),消除(疲劳); n. 欺骗(行为);骗子;雀麦;〈美俚〉反光镜;
escheat n. 重还,归还,承受转归领主的土地; vt. 归还,没收; vi. 被没收,被征用;
heated adj. 热的,加热的;激昂的,兴奋的;激动的; v. (使)热(heat的过去式和过去分词);
heater n. 加热器,炉子;加热的人;<美俚>手枪;<美俚>雪茄烟;
heath n. 荒地,荒野;[植]石南;杜鹃花科植物;
heathen n. 不信上帝的人;异教徒;野蛮人;未开化的人(常贬); adj. 异教徒的,无宗教信仰的;
heathenish adj. 异教的,非基督教的,异教徒的;
heather n. [植]石南属植物; adj. 杂色的,似石南的;
heathery adj. 石南丛生的,似石南的;
heatproof adj. 抗热的;耐热;
overheat vt.& vi. 过度加热;使愤怒;(使)过分激动;(使)变得过热; n. 过热;激烈;
preheat vt. 预热;
superheat vt. 使过热; n. 过热;
wheat n. 小麦;

