

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:55



英音 [dʌn] 美音 [dʌn]


adj. 已完成的;煮熟的;合乎礼仪的;合乎规矩的;

int. (表示接受建议);

v. 做( do的过去分词);干;


  1. having finished or arrived at completion;

    "certain to make history before he's done"
    "it's a done deed"
    "after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up"
    "almost through with his studies"

  2. cooked until ready to serve

condone vt. 容忍,宽恕,原谅;
donee n. 受赠者;
methadone n. 美沙酮(一种镇静剂);美散痛;
overdone v. 做得过分( overdo的过去分词 );太夸张;把…煮得太久;(工作等)过度;
oxycodone 氧可酮;
redone v. 再做,改装( redo的过去分词 );
trazodone [化] 曲唑酮,氯哌三唑酮;
underdone adj. 未充分做好的,(烹饪)未熟透的; v. 使煮得嫩( underdo的过去分词 );使做得不够;不尽全力做;
undone adj. 已解开的;未做的;烦乱的;毁了的; v. 松开( undo的过去分词 );解开;毁灭;败坏;

done in 筋疲力尽;累坏的;
have done 结束,做完;
well done 做得不错;
done for 不中用的;
well-done adj. 做得好的,完全煮熟的; int. 好!做得好!;
half-done adj. 半完成的,半熟的;
done with 完毕;
no harm done 没有人受到伤害,一切平安无事;
get done with 做完,结束;
done to the wide 精疲力竭,被打败,完蛋;
be done for v. 不中用了;处境艰难,注定完蛋,肯定不行;
zero done 水流冷却器;
Cort-Done [医]氢化可的松,氢化考的松,皮质醇,考地索[糖皮质激素];
done bit 操作位;
not done [医]未检,未做,未完成,未做完;
work done 工作量;
business done [经] 成交,双方交易作成;
