

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:55



英音 [si:d] 美音 [sid]


n. 种子;子孙;起源;(尤指网球比赛)种子选手;

vt. 播种;抽出种子选手;除去…之种子;确定(某人)为种子选手;

vi. 结籽;(种子)繁殖;


  1. a small hard fruit

  2. a mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa

  3. one of the outstanding players in a tournament

  4. anything that provides inspiration for later work

  5. the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract

  1. go to seed; shed seeds;

    "The dandelions went to seed"

  2. help (an enterprise) in its early stages of development by providing seed money

  3. bear seeds

  4. place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth;

    "She sowed sunflower seeds"

  5. distribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds

  6. sprinkle with silver iodide particles to disperse and cause rain;

    "seed clouds"

  7. inoculate with microorganisms

  8. remove the seeds from;

    "seed grapes"

Appleseed 查普曼;弗兰克·米什勒((1864-1945) 美国鸟类学家;曾任纽约市的美国自然历史博物馆馆长(1908-1942年);并编著了一系列鸟类研究著作;
allseed n. 多子植物;
birdseed n. (尤指喂笼中鸟的)鸟食;鸟粮;
cottonseed n. 棉籽;
flaxseed n. 亚麻子,亚麻仁;亚麻籽;
hayseed n. 干草种子,干草屑;
linseed n. 亚麻籽;
moonseed n. 月籽藤,蝙蝠葛(爬藤植物,籽呈月牙形);
pumpkinseed 南瓜籽,(北美产的)一种小翻车鱼[太阳鱼];
rapeseed n. 油菜籽;油菜籽,;菜子;
seedbed n. 苗床,<喻>温床,发源地;
seedeater n. 食籽雀;
seeder n. 播种机,播种人,去核器;
seedling n. 秧苗,幼苗;树苗;实生苗;
seedpod n. 心皮;
seedtime n. 播种时期,准备阶段,发展阶段;
seedy adj. 破烂的;多籽的,籽状的;疲倦的;粗鄙的;
stickseed n. [植物]鹤虱属(Lappula) 植物;
tickseed n. 金鸡菊;
wormseed n. 土荆芥属植物,驱虫籽;

seed vessel n. 果皮;
mustard seed n. 芥菜籽;
seed rod 籽晶杆;
seed colter 插种开沟器;
seed counting 小气泡计数;
balsam seed 香脂豆;
oil seed 含油种子;
amber seed 琥珀种子,麝香种子;
seed coat 种皮;
pure seed 纯洁种子;
seed-potato n. 种用马铃薯;
cowherb seed [医]王不留行;
doped seed 掺杂籽晶;
light seed 需光种子;
seed variability [医]种子变异性;
seed sorting 选种;
seed bulb 种球;
seed ball 种球;
seed reproduction [医] 种子繁殖;
fennel seed [医] 茴香,小茴香;
photoblastic seed 光发芽种子;
