

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:55



英音 [ˈpʌblɪk] 美音 [ˈpʌblɪk]


adj. 公众的,公共的;公开的;政府的;人人知道的,知名的;

n. 大众;社会;公共场所;(文学家等的)爱读者;


  1. people in general considered as a whole;

    "he is a hero in the eyes of the public"

  2. a body of people sharing some common interest;

    "the reading public"

  1. not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole;

    "the public good"
    "public libraries"
    "public funds"
    "public parks"
    "a public scandal"
    "public gardens"
    "performers and members of royal families are public figures"

  2. affecting the people or community as a whole;

    "community leaders"
    "community interests"
    "the public welfare"

publican n. 收税员,酒馆老板;
publication n. 出版;出版物;公布;发表;
publicist n. 宣传人员;宣传代理人;政论家;时事评论员;
publicity n. 公众信息;宣传效用;宣传;公诸于众的状况;
publicize v. 宣传;推广;宣扬;传播;
publicly adv. 公开地;由公众(或政府);为公众所同意;以公众名义;
republic n. 共和国;共和政体;(成员具有平等权利的)团体;
semipublic adj. 半公共的;半公开的;

public speaking n. 演说,演讲;
public accommodation 公共设施;
public correspondence 公用通信;
public defender n. 公设辩护队;
public lecture 公开讲演,通俗讲演;
public trust 公益信托,公营信托;
public holidays 公共假期;
public cheque 国库支票;
public college 公立学院;
public gallery 旁听席;
public policy 国家政策;
public finance (政府对岁入、岁出资金运用的)财政学;
public water 公用水;
public land 公地,公有地;闲田;闲地;
public antigens [医]常见抗原,公有抗原;
public segment 公用段;
public warehouse [经] 公共仓库;
public contract [法] 公共契约,公约,公用事业集资契约;
public conformity 公开从众;
public functionary [法] 公务人员,公职人员,国家职员;公务员;
public waterworks [医]自来水工程;
