

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:16



英音 [lu:z] 美音 [luz]


vt. 失去;错过;遗失;耽搁;

vi. 损失;输掉;走慢;降低价值;


  1. fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense;

    "She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat"

  2. fail to win;

    "We lost the battle but we won the war"

  3. suffer the loss of a person through death or removal;

    "She lost her husband in the war"
    "The couple that wanted to adopt the child lost her when the biological parents claimed her"

  4. place (something) where one cannot find it again;

    "I misplaced my eyeglasses"

  5. miss from one's possessions; lose sight of;

    "I've lost my glasses again!"

  6. allow to go out of sight;

    "The detective lost the man he was shadowing after he had to stop at a red light"

  7. fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to profit;

    "I lost thousands of dollars on that bad investment!"
    "The company turned a loss after the first year"

  8. fail to get or obtain;

    "I lost the opportunity to spend a year abroad"

  9. retreat

  10. fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind;

    "I missed that remark"
    "She missed his point"
    "We lost part of what he said"

  11. be set at a disadvantage;

    "This author really suffers in translation"

amylose n. 直链淀粉,多糖;糖淀粉;
anchylose v. 使(关节)强硬,使(骨)长合,(因骨粘合而)变僵硬;
ankylose v. 胶住;胶着;使僵硬;使骨愈合僵硬;
callose n. 胼胝质;具胝质;
carboxymethylcellulose 羟甲基化纤维素;
cellulose n. 细胞膜质,纤维素;(用于制作涂料、漆等的)纤维素化合物;
close adj. 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的; vt. 关;结束;使靠近; vi. 关;结束;关闭; adv. 紧密地; n. 结束;
disclose vt. 公开;揭露;使显露;使暴露;
enclose vt. (用墙、篱笆等)把…围起来;把…装入信封;附入;
filose adj. 丝(或线)状的,末端成为丝状的;
foreclose vt. 取消(抵押品)赎回权;取消(抵押人的)赎回抵押品的权利;排除;阻止;
granulose n. 淀粉粒质; adj. 淀粉粒质的,粒状的;
hemicellulose n. 半纤维素;
inclose vt. 围起来,附上;
levulose n. 果糖;
lignocellulose n. 木质纤维素;
losel n. 没有价值的人,无用的人;
loser n. 受损失者;失败者;屡屡失败的人(尤指评价较低者);屌丝;
methylcellulose n. 甲基纤维素;
nitrocellulose n. 硝化纤维;
pilose adj. 毛多的,有毛的;
pyrocellulose n. 焦纤维素,高氮硝化纤维素;
ramulose adj. 多小枝的;
spinulose adj. 有小刺的,长满小刺的,小刺状的;
squamulose adj. 有小鳞片的,多小鳞片的;
surculose adj. 有根出条(或吸根)的;
trehalose n. 海藻糖;
tumulose adj. 多小丘的,丘陵地的;
tylose 甲基纤维素;
unclose v. 打开;
villose adj. 像绒毛一样的,有绒毛的,长绒毛的;
xylose n. 木糖,戊醛糖;

lose flesh v. 消瘦;
lose out 损失,失败;
lose courage v. 丧失勇气;
lose colour 失色,褪色,面无血色;掉色;走色;
lose by 因…蒙受损失,因…失去;
lose countenance v. 失色,慌张起来;惊慌失色;
lose weight v. 体重减轻;
lose money v. 损失金钱;亏耗;
lose color v. 变苍白;
lose time v. 走得慢,耽误时间;
to lose 败;
call lose 呼叫丢失;
lose face 丢脸,失去自尊与别人的信任,失去尊严/影响力/名望;坍台;现眼;面上无光;
lose employment 失业;
lose turgor 失去膨压;
lose credit [经] 失信用;
lose way v. 减速;
lose speed 失去速度;
