

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:10



英音 [tɔ:k] 美音 [tɔk]


v. 说话;讨论;讲,说;说闲话;

n. 交谈;讨论;报告;空话;


  1. an exchange of ideas via conversation;

    "let's have more work and less talk around here"

  2. discussion; (`talk about' is a less formal alternative for `discussion of');

    "his poetry contains much talk about love and anger"

  3. the act of giving a talk to an audience;

    "I attended an interesting talk on local history"

  4. a speech that is open to the public;

    "he attended a lecture on telecommunications"

  5. idle gossip or rumor;

    "there has been talk about you lately"

  1. exchange thoughts; talk with;

    "We often talk business"
    "Actions talk louder than words"

  2. express in speech;

    "She talks a lot of nonsense"
    "This depressed patient does not verbalize"

  3. use language;

    "the baby talks already"
    "the prisoner won't speak"
    "they speak a strange dialect"

  4. reveal information;

    "If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!"
    "The former employee spilled all the details"

  5. divulge confidential information or secrets;

    "Be careful--his secretary talks"

  6. deliver a lecture or talk;

    "She will talk at Rutgers next week"
    "Did you ever lecture at Harvard?"

beanstalk n. 豆茎;豆秸;
cornstalk n. 谷类的秆;<英>高个子;
crosstalk n. 电信频道之间的串话干扰;相声;
eyestalk n. 眼柄;
footstalk n. 叶柄,花梗;总柄;轴柄;
leafstalk n. 叶柄;
outtalk vt. 讲得比…多;
rootstalk n. 根茎,地下根,螅根;
shoptalk n. 职业用语,有关本行的谈话;
stalk n. [植]茎,秆;叶柄,花梗;高视阔步;偷偷接近,潜随; vt. 追踪,潜近;高视阔步; vi. 高视阔步地走;潜近,偷偷接近;
talkathon n. 冗长的讨论,冗长的演说;
talkative adj. 健谈的,多嘴的,喜欢说话的;喋喋;
talkback n. 对讲系统,对讲电话;
talker n. 讲话者,谈话者;
talkfest n. 长时间的讨论,议而不决的会议;
talkie n. <口>有声电影;
talky adj. 说话过多的,多对话的;

table talk n. 席间闲谈,漫谈的话题;
tall talk n. 大话;奇闻怪事;荒诞不经的故事;
machine talk 机器语音;
sweet talk n. 甜言蜜语,奉承巴结;
talk up 热烈讨论,大声说话;坦白说话;
pep talk n. 鼓舞士气的讲话;
make talk v. 闲谈,背后议论;
talk horse v. 吹牛;
talk turkey v. 直率地说;
talk show n. 脱口秀;现场访谈;谈话节目;
talk back 顶嘴;还口;强嘴;抬杠;
local talk [计] 局部会话装置;
talk-back n. 工作联络电话,对讲电话;
talk therapy [医]谈心疗法;
talk tall v. 吹牛,说大话;
talk into 说服(某人)做(某事);
yeasty talk 多而无内容的话;
needle talk (电唱机)唱针的直接声输入;
fast-talk v. 花言巧语地欺骗,迅速说话以回避问题;
sweet-talk v. 奉承,谄媚,用花言巧语骗诱;
idle talk 闲聊,闲扯;清谈;空话;空谈;
