

词库    2019-03-05 12:07:10



英音 [rɪŋ] 美音 [rɪŋ]


n. 戒指,指环;铃声,钟声;环形物;拳击场;

vt. 形成环状;环绕;使(例如铃)响;打电话给;

vi. 按铃,敲钟;回响;成环形;


  1. a characteristic sound;

    "it has the ring of sincerity"

  2. a toroidal shape;

    "a ring of ships in the harbor"
    "a halo of smoke"

  3. a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling;

    "there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse"

  4. (chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop

  5. an association of criminals;

    "police tried to break up the gang"
    "a pack of thieves"

  6. the sound of a bell ringing;

    "the distinctive ring of the church bell"
    "the ringing of the telephone"
    "the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells"

  7. a platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle

  8. jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger;

    "she had rings on every finger"
    "he noted that she wore a wedding band"

  9. a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)

  1. sound loudly and sonorously;

    "the bells rang"

  2. ring or echo with sound;

    "the hall resounded with laughter"

  3. make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification;

    "Ring the bells"
    "My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church"

  4. get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone;

    "I tried to call you all night"
    "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"

  5. extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle;

    "The forest surrounds my property"

  6. attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify;

    "ring birds"
    "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"

Baring n. 开拓,剥离; v. 使赤裸( bare的现在分词 );使露出;揭开;脱(衣服);
Behring 白令(即Bering,Vitus);
Bering n. 白令(Vitus, 1680-1741,丹麦航海家,白令海及白令海峡的发现者);
Goering [人名] 戈林;
Kesselring [人名] 凯塞林;
Kettering n. (姓氏) 凯特灵;
Pickering 皮克林(姓氏);
airing n. 晾;(电视台或无线电台)广播;(开车、骑车或骑马)兜风;(意见等的)公开发表; v. 晾晒( air的现在分词 );烘干;播送;广播;
alligatoring 鳄纹,皱裂;
barring prep. 不包括;除非;除,除…之外; v. 阻拦(bar的现在分词形式);
bearing n. [机]轴承,支座;关系;方位;态度,举止; v. 忍受(bear的ing形式);
bedspring n. (安置在床架上的)弹簧床面;
bioengineering n. 生物工程;人工器官移植;
blistering adj. 酷热的;猛烈的;使起疱的;<口>可恶的; v. 起水疱;起气泡;使受暴晒; n. [涂料] 起泡;
boring adj. 无聊的,无趣的;令人厌烦的;单调的,乏味的; n. 钻孔;钻屑; v. 令人厌烦(bore的现在分词);
bouldering n. 用大鹅卵石铺的路;
bowstring n. 弓弦; vt. (用弓弦)勒死,绞死;
bring vt. 带来,引来;促使,引起;提供;导致;
buccaneering n. 海盗行为,掠夺; adj. 海盗的;
buildering n. 爬楼运动;
bullring n. 斗牛场;
bunkering n. 装燃料,燃料贮存; v. (士兵用的) 掩体( bunker的现在分词 );地堡;(高尔夫球场的)沙坑;煤仓;
caring adj. 关心的;有同情心的; vt. 关心(care的现在分词);
childbearing n. 分娩;
clambering v. (吃力地)攀登,攀爬( clamber的现在分词 );
clearing n. 小块空地,林中空地;结算;清扫;<军>前方医院,医疗后送站; v. 变明朗( clear的现在分词);澄清;(通过票据交换所)交换票据;
coloring n. 色彩;色调;着色法;着色剂;
considering prep. 考虑到,就…而论; adv. 〈口〉细想起来,认真说,委实; v. 考虑( consider的现在分词);
covering n. 掩蔽物,遮盖物; v. 覆盖( cover的现在分词);
daring n. 勇敢;鲁莽; adj. 胆大的,勇敢的;意气风发的; v. 敢(dare的现在分词);
despairing adj. 感到绝望的,表现绝望的,无望的; v. 绝望( despair的现在分词 );
doddering adj. 震颤的,蹒跚的; v. 枯掉了树梢的,衰弱的,脆弱的( doddered的过去分词 );
domineering adj. 刚愎自用、喜欢支配别人的;专横跋扈的;盛气凌人的;
drawstring n. (穿在口袋或裤腰的)拉带,细绳;
during prep. 在…的时候;在…期间,当…之时;其间;
earing n. (横帆角上的)耳索;抽穗;
earring n. 耳环;耳饰;
endearing adj. 使人喜欢的,讨人喜欢的; v. 使某人(自己)受某人喜欢(endear的现在分词);令…喜欢某人/自己;“endear”的现在分词;
enduring adj. 持久的,不朽的; v. (长时间地)忍受,忍耐,容忍( endure的现在分词 );持续,持久,坚持下去;
engineering n. 工程(学), 工程师行业;操纵,管理;土木工程,工事;开车技术;

ring upon ring adv. 层层;重重;
ring motor 环形电动机;
ring filament 环形灯丝;
end ring 锁紧环,轴承挡圈,端环;压圈;
splitting ring 分裂环;
bevel ring 斜环;
draw ring 牵引环,拉延环;
alligatoring ring 齿环;
cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring 环戊烷多氢菲环;
grinding ring 磨圈,磨环;
shipping ring 海运集团;
ring-to-ring voltage 滑环间电压;
napkin ring n. 套餐巾用的小环;
topological ring 拓扑环;
Haller ring [医]乳晕静脉环;
ring unit 环形件;
ring type 环形;环式;
steel ring 钢环,钢圈;
Liesegang ring 李四光环;
ring analysis 环分析;
jordan ring 约当环;
