

词库    2019-03-05 15:44:06



英音 [ɪə(r)] 美音 [ɪr]


n. 耳朵;听觉,听力;耳状物;穗;

vi. 抽穗;(美俚)听见;


  1. the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium

  2. good hearing;

    "he had a keen ear"
    "a good ear for pitch"

  3. the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear

  4. attention to what is said;

    "he tried to get her ear"

  5. fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn

earache n. 耳朵痛;
earbob n. 耳环,耳坠;
eardrop n. 耳坠,耳饰;耳坠子;
eardrum n. <解>鼓膜,耳膜;
eared adj. 有耳的,有穗的,有把的;
earflap n. 御寒用的耳罩;
earful n. 令人吃惊的回答;听腻了的消息;怨言;严厉的斥责;
earing n. (横帆角上的)耳索;抽穗;
earl n. (英国)伯爵;
earlap n. (帽上可放下护耳御寒防冻的)耳扇;帽瓣;耳垂;耳壳;
earldom n. 伯爵爵位;
earlobe n. 耳垂;
early adj. 早的;早期的;早日的;(果实等)早熟的; adv. 早;在初期;先前;提早;
earmark vt. 指定用途;标记;打耳记; n. 特征;耳记;标记;
earmuff n. 御寒耳罩;耳套;
earn vt.& vi. 赚得;获得;赢得;博得; vt. 赚,赚得;获得;挣得;使得到;
earnest adj. 热心的;诚挚的,真挚的;重要的; n. 热心;认真;定钱,保证金;诚挚;
earnings n. 收入,所得;工资,报酬;收益,利润;
earphone n. 耳机,听筒;

