

词库    2019-03-05 18:29:06



英音 [ˈprɒpə(r)] 美音 [ˈprɑpə(r)]


adj. 适当的,相当的,正当的,应该的,正式的,正常的;固有的,特有的,独特的;本来的,真正的,严格意义上的;〈古〉漂亮的,优美的;

adv. 〈方〉适当地,好好地,非常,很,完完全全地,彻底地;

n. [宗教][常用P-]特定节日等用的仪式,弥撒(祈祷、礼仪等)书的章节,特赞;


  1. marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness;

    "proper medical treatment"
    "proper manners"

  2. having all the qualities typical of the thing specified;

    "wanted a proper dinner; not just a snack"
    "he finally has a proper job"

  3. limited to the thing specified;

    "the city proper"
    "his claim is connected with the deed proper"

  4. appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs;

    "everything in its proper place"
    "the right man for the job"
    "she is not suitable for the position"

improper adj. 不合适的,非正常的;不正确的;不正派的,不合礼仪的;不道德的;
properdin n. (血液中)一种能消灭细菌和病毒的血清;
propertied adj. 有财产的,使用道具的;
property n. 特性,属性;财产,地产;[戏]道具;所有权;

proper mapping 真映射;
proper subvariety 真子簇;
proper sequence 固有顺序;
proper subtraction 真减;
proper channeling 固有沟道效应;
proper layer 固有层;
proper integral 常义积分,正常积分;
proper semiconductor 固有半导体,本征半导体;
proper length 静长度;
proper quadric 正常二次曲面,常态二次曲面;
proper node 正常结点;
proper rate 正常速率;
proper head 真头,真正首部;
proper design [计] 适宜设计;
proper subgraph 真子图;
proper subclass 真子类;
proper alveolar 固有牙槽骨;
proper acceleration 固有加速度;
performance proper 原本表现;
proper operation 正确操作;
