

词库    2019-03-05 18:29:06



英音 [help] 美音 [hɛlp]


vt.& vi. 帮助;有助于, 有利于;

vt. 治疗;避免;招待(客人);给…盛(饭、菜);

n. 帮助;助手;补救办法;有用;

vi. (在餐桌旁)招待,侍应,作仆人(或店员、服务员等);

int. [呼救语]救命!;


  1. the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;

    "he gave me an assist with the housework"
    "could not walk without assistance"
    "rescue party went to their aid"
    "offered his help in unloading"

  2. a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;

    "my invaluable assistant"
    "they hired additional help to finish the work"

  3. a resource;

    "visual aids in teaching"

  4. a means of serving;

    "of no avail"
    "there's no help for it"

  1. give help or assistance; be of service;

    "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"
    "Can you help me carry this table?"
    "She never helps around the house"

  2. improve the condition of;

    "These pills will help the patient"

  3. be of use;

    "This will help to prevent accidents"

  4. abstain from doing; always used with a negative;

    "I can't help myself--I have to smoke"
    "She could not help watching the sad spectacle"

  5. help to some food; help with food or drink;

    "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself"

  6. contribute to the furtherance of;

    "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"

  7. take or use;

    "She helped herself to some of the office supplies"

  8. improve; change for the better;

    "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"

helper n. 助手,帮手;起救助作用的东西;
helpful adj. 给予帮助的,有益的;愿意帮忙的;
helping n. (食物)的一份;帮助,支持; v. 帮助( help的现在分词 );有助于,有利于;治疗;避免;
helpless adj. 无助的;无能的;无用的;六亲无靠;
helpmate n. 助手,伴侣,配偶(通常指妻子,有时指丈夫);
helpmeet n. 合作者,伙伴;
whelp n. 幼兽,小狗; v. 下崽;

HELP vt.& vi. 帮助;有助于, 有利于; vt. 治疗;避免;招待(客人);给…盛(饭、菜); n. 帮助;助手;补救办法;有用; vi. (在餐桌旁)招待,侍应,作仆人(或店员、服务员等); int. [呼救语]救命!;
help forward 搀扶着前进;有助于发展;
help yourself 随便吃;
online help n. 联机帮助;
lady-help n. 协助整理家务的妇女;
help window n. 帮助窗口;
help menu n. 帮助菜单;
self-help n. 自助,自立;自救行为;
help...with 帮助(某人做某事);
cannot help 不得不;
help information n. 帮助信息;
Help-Me [医]帮助我(计算机病毒名);
help...on 使…获得进步;
help group 自助群体;
help request 求助请求;
help library 求助库;
help index n. 帮助索引;
help program 求助程序;
help with 帮助(某人)做…;用…来帮助;
help oneself 自取,自用;
