

词库    2019-03-05 18:29:06



英音 [i:st] 美音 [ist]


n. 东,东方;东方国家;〈诗〉东风;

adj. 东方的,向东方的;从东方来的;

adv. 向东方(地);


  1. the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees

  2. the countries of Asia

  3. the region of the United States lying to the north of the Ohio River and to the east of the Mississippi River

  4. the direction corresponding to the eastward cardinal compass point

  5. a location in the eastern part of a country, region, or city

  1. situated in or facing or moving toward the east

  1. to, toward, or in the east;

    "we travelled east for several miles"
    "located east of Rome"

Mideast n. 中东(一般泛指欧,亚,非三大洲连接的地区);
abreast adv. 并列,并肩地;并排;不落后于; adj. 并排的;并肩的;
beast n. 野兽;人面兽心的人;讨厌的人(或事物);老顽固,坏蛋;
breast n. 乳房,乳腺;胸脯,胸部;心窝,胸怀; vt. 升高,攀登;坚毅地面对,与…搏斗;挺胸迎…而上;
eastbound adj. 东行的,向东的;
easterly adj.& adv. 东方的(地),东部的(地);(指风)从东吹来的(地);
eastern adj. 东方的,东部(地方)的;朝东的;来自东方的; n. 东方人;(美国)东部地区的人;东正教信徒;
easterner n. 东方人;
easternmost adj. 最东部的,极东的;
easting n. 东行航程,朝东方;
eastward adj. 向东方的;朝东的; adv. 朝东方;向东; n. 东方,东部;
feast n. 盛会;宴会;宗教节日;使人欢快的事物(或活动); vi. 大吃大喝,享用美食;参加宴会; vt. 款待(某人),宴请(某人);
least adj. 最小的;最少的( little的最高级);最不重要的,地位最低的; adv. 最少,最小; n. 最小;最少量;
northeast n. 东北,东北方向;东北部; adj. 在东北的;东北部的;向东北的;(风、光线)来自东北方向的; adv. 自东北地;
redbreast n. 知更鸟;
southeast n. 东南,东南方,(美国)东南部;东南地区; adv. 在东南;从东南;向东南;来自东南; adj. 东南的;向东南的;位于东南的;东南部的;
yeast n. 酵母(菌);酵母粉,酵母饼,酵母片;泡,泡沫;动乱,激动; vi. 发酵;起泡沫;

EAST n. 东,东方;东方国家;〈诗〉东风; adj. 东方的,向东方的;从东方来的; adv. 向东方(地);
North-East n. 东北方;
Middle East n. 中东(一般泛指欧,亚,非三大洲连接的地区);
east Pakistan n. 东巴基斯坦;
far east n. 远东;
East End n. (英国)伦敦东区,东伦敦;
east-northeast n. 东北偏东;
east Timor n. 东帝汶(位于东南亚,曾是葡萄牙殖民地);
Far East n. 远东;
East Flanders 东佛兰德(比利时一州);
Near East n. (前面与the连用)近东;
east southeast 东南东;
east germany [经] 东德;
east point 东点;
mid east [经] 中东;
east german [经] 东德;
east elevation 东立面;
east northeast 东北东;
east european [经] 东欧的;
north-east n. 东北方;
