

词库    2019-03-05 18:29:06



英音 [θɪk] 美音 [θɪk]


adj. 浓的,茂密的;厚的,粗大的;稠密的;不透明的;

adv. 密集地;不清晰地;〈口〉太过分;频频地,时常;

n. 最厚的部分;最活跃或最激烈的部分;〈口〉笨蛋;〈俚〉可可粉;


  1. the location of something surrounded by other things;

    "in the midst of the crowd"

  1. not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions;

    "an inch thick"
    "a thick board"
    "a thick sandwich"
    "spread a thick layer of butter"
    "thick coating of dust"
    "thick warm blankets"

  2. having component parts closely crowded together;

    "a compact shopping center"
    "a dense population"
    "thick crowds"
    "a thick forest"
    "thick hair"

  3. relatively dense in consistency;

    "thick cream"
    "thick soup"
    "thick smoke"
    "thick fog"

  4. spoken as if with a thick tongue;

    "the thick speech of a drunkard"
    "his words were slurred"

  5. having a short and solid form or stature;

    "a wrestler of compact build"
    "he was tall and heavyset"
    "stocky legs"
    "a thickset young man"

  6. hard to pass through because of dense growth;

    "dense vegetation"
    "thick woods"

  7. (of darkness) very intense;

    "thick night"
    "thick darkness"
    "a face in deep shadow"
    "deep night"

  8. (used informally) associated on close terms;

    "a close friend"
    "the bartender was chummy with the regular customers"
    "the two were thick as thieves for months"

  9. (used informally) stupid

  10. abounding; having a lot of;

    "the top was thick with dust"

  1. with a thick consistency;

    "the blood was flowing thick"

  2. in quick succession;

    "misfortunes come fast and thick"

Trevithick [人名] [康沃尔人姓氏] 特雷维西克住所名称,来源于康沃尔语,含义是“宅地,居留地+医生”(homestead,settlement+doctor);
thicken vt.& vi. (使)变厚;使更厚; vt. 使(话等)不清晰;使模糊;使(情节等)复杂; vi. 变得不清晰;变得模糊;变复杂;
thickening n. 使变厚,增厚过程; v. (使)变厚(或粗、浓、密),使更厚(或更密、更浓、更粗)( thicken的现在分词 );使(话等)不清晰,使模糊;使(情节等)复杂;变得不清晰,变得模糊;
thicket n. 灌木丛;丛状物;错综复杂;
thickhead n. 笨人,呆子;
thickness n. 层;浓度;厚(度);最厚的部分;
thickset adj. 稠密的;密植;粗短的;繁茂的;

thick mash 浓醪;
thick sludge 黏稠淤渣;
thick needle 粗针头;
thick weather 阴天;
thick planting 密植;
thick stock 厚坯;
thick ear n. 一记耳光,一击;
thick-skinned adj. 厚皮的;厚脸皮的;感觉迟钝的;不知羞耻的;
thick menses 经质黏稠;经质粘稠;
thick cream 高脂稀奶油;
thick skull 头脑迟钝;
thick veined 粗脉的;
thick milk [医]厚奶;
thick paste 稠膏;
thick space 厚衬铅;
thick root 粗根;
thick stratum 厚层;
thick coaxial 粗同轴电缆;
thick string 粗绳;
thick-bedded 厚层的;
thick haired 密生绒重的;
thick paper 厚纸;
