

词库    2019-03-05 18:29:06



英音 ['mɪnɪt] 美音 [ˈmɪnɪt]


n. 分,分钟;瞬间,片刻;备忘录;会议记录;

vt. 把…记录在案;为…测定时间;


  1. a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour;

    "he ran a 4 minute mile"

  2. an indefinitely short time;

    "wait just a moment"
    "in a mo"
    "it only takes a minute"
    "in just a bit"

  3. a particular point in time;

    "the moment he arrived the party began"

  4. a unit of angular distance equal to a 60th of a degree

  5. a short note;

    "the secretary keeps the minutes of the meeting"

  6. distance measured by the time taken to cover it;

    "we live an hour from the airport"
    "its just 10 minutes away"

  1. infinitely or immeasurably small;

    "two minute whiplike threads of protoplasm"
    "reduced to a microscopic scale"

  2. characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination;

    "a minute inspection of the grounds"
    "a narrow scrutiny"
    "an exact and minute report"

comminute v. 使成粉末,粉碎,分割;
minutely adv. 详细地,精密地;
minuteman n. 独立战争时立即应召的民兵;
time n. 时间;时刻;时代;次; vt. 为…安排时间;测定…的时间;调准(机械的)速度;拨准(钟、表)的快慢; vi. 合拍;和谐;打拍子; adj. 定时的;定期的;[美国英语]分期(付款)的; int. [体育]时间到,(一场或一局等的)比赛时限,暂停;
second n. 秒;瞬间;次货;第二份食物; adj. 第二的;次要的;居第二位的;另外的; adv. 第二;其次;以第二位; vt. 支持;临时调派;附议;赞成提案;
quarter n. 四分之一;一刻钟;地区;(美式足球的)一节; vt. 把…四等分;供…住宿;使(士兵)驻扎;
hour n. 小时,钟头;时间,时刻;固定时间;课时;
day n. 一天;白天;时期;节日; adj. 日间的;逐日的; adv. 每天;经常在白天地;
week n. 一星期,周;工作周(一个星期中的工作时间);
month n. 月,月份;一个月的时间;
season n. 季节,季;时期;活动期,时令;暂时; vt. 使适应,使适用;调味; vt.& vi. 使变干燥;
year n. 年;年纪;一年的期间;某年级的学生;
decade n. 十年,十年间;十个一组;十年期;
century n. 百年,一世纪;百个;(板球)一百分;<美>百元钞票;

minute quantity 极少量;
minute hand n. 分针;长针;
minute circle 分刻度环;
minute chronograph 分计时器;
minute book n. 纪录簿,会议录;
minute anatomy 显微解剖学;
minute gun n. 每隔一分钟放一次的葬礼炮或遇难求助炮;
minute hammer 分锤杆;
minute steak n. 速烹牛排,快餐牛排;
minute structure 微细结构;
last-minute adj. 最后的,归根究底的;
milligram minute [医]毫克分;
minute pinion 分轮齿轴,分针小齿轮;
minute bonder 制动蹄摩擦片快速粘接器;
milliampere-minute [医]毫安(培)分;
minute reflection [医]弱波;
minute projections 极微小突出部分,摩擦面的粗糙度;
minute milliampere [医]毫安[培]分;
minute ventilation 每分通气量;
