

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:40



英音 [prɪnt] 美音 [prɪnt]


n. (由底片印出的)照片;印刷字体;印痕;印成的图画;

vt. (在松软的表面)压印;把…付印;

vt.& vi. 用印刷体写;冲洗(照片);登载;在纸上印;


  1. the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication;

    "I want to see it in print"

  2. a picture or design printed from an engraving

  3. a visible indication made on a surface;

    "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"
    "paw prints were everywhere"

  4. availability in printed form;

    "we've got to get that story into print"
    "his book is no longer in print"

  5. a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it)

  6. a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)

  7. a printed picture produced from a photographic negative

  1. put into print;

    "The newspaper published the news of the royal couple's divorce"
    "These news should not be printed"

  2. write as if with print; not cursive

  3. make into a print;

    "print the negative"

  4. reproduce by printing

blueprint n. 蓝图,设计图;计划大纲;原本; vt. 为…制蓝图;为…制订计划;
fingerprint n. 指纹,指印; vt. 采指纹;
footprint n. (尤指软地上的)脚印;(地板上的)脚印;<商>(建筑物或设备,尤指计算机)占用的空间;<术>(尤指来自卫星的)广播信号覆盖区;
handprint n. 手印;手纹;
imprint n. 盖印;痕迹;特征;版权标记; v. 盖(印);刻上(记号);使铭记;
microprint n. 缩影相片;
misprint n. 印刷错误;
newsprint n. 新闻纸;白报纸;(印刷报纸的)油墨;报刊文章;
offprint n. 选刊; vt. 印成单行本;
overprint vt. 套印,添印; n. 套印,印戳;
preprint adj. 预先印好的; v. 预印;
print. abbr. pre-edited interpreter 预编解释程序(计算机语言);printed 印刷的,印刷;
printable adj. 可印刷的;
printer n. 打印机;印刷机;印刷商,印刷厂;印刷业从业人员,印花工;
printing n. 印刷(术);(书籍的)一次印刷;印刷字体;一次的印数; v. (在松软的表面)压印( print的现在分词 );把…付印;用印刷体写;冲洗(照片);
printmaking n. 版画复制(术);
printout n. (电脑)打印出来的资料;
reprint n. 重印版,再改版;单行本;复印的邮票; vt. 重印;
soleprint n. 足底印;脚底板印;
sprint vi. 冲刺,全速短跑; n. 全速短跑;速度或活动的突然爆发;
surprint vt. 在(已印好的印刷物)上套加印新材料;套晒;
thumbprint n. 拇指的指纹,个性特征;
voiceprint n. <美>声波纹;
whiteprint n. 白背景图片,白色图,印正像;
woodprint n. 木版画;

PRINT n. (由底片印出的)照片;印刷字体;印痕;印成的图画; vt. (在松软的表面)压印;把…付印; vt.& vi. 用印刷体写;冲洗(照片);登载;在纸上印;
print clearance 芯头间隙;
silver print n. 银盐感光照片;
print. program n. 打印程序;
print end 印制结束;
print resistance 抗粘污性;
print miss 印错,未印出,未显示出;
print command 印刷命令;
contact print. n. 接触印相照片;
print span 打印范围;
in print 已印出,已出版;(已印好)可买到;
print document [计] 打印资料,打印文件;
front print 正面打印;
reduced print 缩小影印图;
trial print [医]相版;
print technique [计] 打印技术;
repeat print 重复印刷;
projection print 投影相片;
photomechanical print 照相制版印刷品;
test print 试打印;
print speed 打印速度;
