

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:40



英音 [leɪt] 美音 [let]


adj. 晚的,迟到的;时间不早的;已故的;原来的,之前的;临近终了的;

adv. 晚,迟;后期地;最近地;


  1. being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time;

    "late evening"
    "late 18th century"
    "a late movie"
    "took a late flight"
    "had a late breakfast"

  2. after the expected or usual time; delayed;

    "a belated birthday card"
    "I'm late for the plane"
    "the train is late"
    "tardy children are sent to the principal"
    "always tardy in making dental appointments"

  3. of the immediate past or just previous to the present time;

    "a late development"
    "their late quarrel"
    "his recent trip to Africa"
    "in recent months"
    "a recent issue of the journal"

  4. having died recently;

    "her late husband"

  5. of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages;

    "Late Greek"

  6. at or toward an end or late period or stage of development;

    "the late phase of feudalism"
    "a later symptom of the disease"
    "later medical science could have saved the child"

  7. (used especially of persons) of the immediate past;

    "the former president"
    "our late President is still very active"
    "the previous occupant of the White House"

  1. later than usual or than expected;

    "the train arrived late"
    "we awoke late"
    "the children came late to school"
    "notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline"
    "I belatedly wished her a happy birthday"

  2. to an advanced time;

    "deep into the night"
    "talked late into the evening"

  3. at an advanced age or stage;

    "she married late"
    "undertook the project late in her career"

  4. in the recent past;

    "he was in Paris recently"
    "lately the rules have been enforced"
    "as late as yesterday she was fine"
    "feeling better of late"
    "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"

Jubilate v. 欢呼;
Merthiolate 乙汞硫代水杨酸钠;硫柳汞钠;雷硫汞;硫柳汞;
Pilate [古生物]基柱;
ablate v. 融化;
absquatulate v. 逃走,溜脱,开小差;
accumulate vt.& vi. 堆积,积累; vi. (数量)逐渐增加,(质量)渐渐提高;
acetylate v. 加乙酰基于;
acidulate vt. 使酸化,使尖刻;
adulate vt. 谄媚,奉承;
alate adj. 有翼的,有翼状物的;有翅型;
alkylate n. 烷基化物;
alveolate adj. 蜂窝状的,多小孔的,有肺泡的;
ambulate v. 走动;
angulate adj. 有角的; v. 使有角;
annihilate vt. 歼灭,毁灭;使消失;彻底击败,战胜;使无效,使废弃; vi. 湮灭,湮没;
annulate adj. 有环纹的,由环构成的;
apiculate adj. 顶端成尖形的;
apostolate n. 使徒的地位,使命,传道会;
appellate adj. (尤指法庭)上诉的,受理上诉的;
articulate adj. 发音清晰的;善于表达的;有关节的; vt. 清晰地发(音);言语表达;(用关节)连接; vi. 清楚地和清晰地讲;发音;[解剖学] 连接;
assibilate vt. 把…发成丝擦音;改变(某音节)使成为丝擦音;
assimilate vi. 吸收, 消化;同化; vt. 透彻理解;使吸收;
auriculate adj. 有耳的,有耳状物的;
barbellate adj. (植物、动物)有短硬毛的表皮有钩形短刺的;
bedplate n. (安置机器的)底板,座板;
biflagellate adj. 双鞭毛的;
bifoliolate adj. 具两小叶的;
biteplate 咬合板;
boilerplate n. 样板文件;公式化,陈词滥调;
bookplate n. 藏书标签;
bracteolate adj. 具小苞片的;
breastplate n. 胸甲,胸革带,腹甲;
bullate adj. 起水泡的,肿胀的;
butylate vt. 把丁基引进(化合物),使丁化;
calceolate adj. 拖鞋状的;鞋形;
calculate vt.& vi. 计算;估计;打算,计划;旨在; vt. 预测,推测;
campanulate adj. 钟状的;
canaliculate adj. 有细管的;

late-late adj. 在深夜的; n. 深夜的演出;
late developer 发育迟钝的儿童;
late fee n. 滞纳金,过时附加费;
late start 出发过迟;
late marriage 晚婚;
sleep late 睡过头,迟起,睡懒觉;
late abortion 晚期流产;
late-night adj. 深夜的,午夜的;
of late 近来,最近;
late inoculation 二次孕育;
late shift 夜班;
late-maturity [医]晚熟性;
late-blooming [医]发育迟缓的;
late dinner 晚正餐;
late protein [病毒]晚期蛋白;
late dough 蜡熟后期;
late wood 秋材,晚材;
late replication [医]迟复制,晚复制;
late result 远期疗效;
late phase [医]晚期[可特指病毒复制的晚期];
late presentation 迟误提交;
