

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:34



英音 [pɑ:k] 美音 [pɑrk]


n. 公园;停车场;

vi. 泊车,停车;

vt. 将…放置在某处;停车;


  1. a large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property;

    "there are laws that protect the wildlife in this park"

  2. a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area;

    "they went for a walk in the park"

  3. a facility in which ball games are played (especially baseball games);

    "take me out to the ballpark"

  4. Scottish explorer in Africa (1771-1806)

  5. a lot where cars are parked

  6. a gear position that acts as a parking brake;

    "the put the car in park and got out"

  1. place temporarily;

    "park the car in the yard"
    "park the children with the in-laws"
    "park your bag in this locker"

  2. maneuver a vehicle into a parking space;

    "Park the car in front of the library"
    "Can you park right here?"

Spark n. 燃烧的颗粒;火星,火花,余火;(金属的)发光的颗粒;电火花; vi. 发出火星,发出闪光;热烈赞同;正常运转; vt. 发动,触发;激起运动,鼓舞;
airpark n. 小飞机场;
ballpark n. 棒球场; adj. 运动场的,大致正确的;
minipark n. (城市中的)小公园;
parka n. 风雪大衣;
parking n. (车辆等的)停放;停车场所,停车位; v. 停车(park的ing形式);
parkland n. 公用场地;稀树高原;
parkway n. <美>(有草木的)大路,绿化道路,林阴大道;
spark n. 燃烧的颗粒;火星,火花,余火;(金属的)发光的颗粒;电火花; vi. 发出火星,发出闪光;热烈赞同;正常运转; vt. 发动,触发;激起运动,鼓舞;

amusement park n. 游乐园;
theme park n. (游乐园中的)主题乐园;主题公园;
seashore park 海滨公园;
Hyde Park (英国伦敦的)海德公园(因常被用作政治性集会场所而著称);
park rider 不太懂骑术的人;
metropolitan park 城市公园;
Park Avenue 派克大街(美国纽约市的豪华大街街名,常用作奢华时髦阶层的同义语);
car park n. 停车场;
reconstruction park 大修场;
ball-park adj. 球场的;
State park 州立公园;
exhibition park 展销会场;展售会场;
district park 区公园;
National park n. 国家公园;
memorial park n. 公墓;
transport park 运输车场;
marine park 海洋公园;
industrial park n. <美>工业区;
interstate park 州际公园;
urban park 市区公园;
waterside park 水滨公园;
