

词库    2019-03-05 18:28:34



英音 [ded] 美音 [dɛd]


adj. 死去的;完全的;无感觉的;呆板的;

adv. 完全地;非常;绝对;极度;

n. 死者;(死一样的)寂静;极寒时候;


  1. people who are no longer living;

    "they buried the dead"

  2. a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense;

    "the dead of winter"

  1. no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life;

    "the nerve is dead"
    "a dead pallor"
    "he was marked as a dead man by the assassin"

  2. not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat;

    "Mars is a dead planet"
    "dead soil"
    "dead coals"
    "the fire is dead"

  3. very tired;

    "was all in at the end of the day"
    "so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere"
    "bushed after all that exercise"
    "I'm dead after that long trip"

  4. unerringly accurate;

    "a dead shot"
    "took dead aim"

  5. physically inactive;

    "Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range"

  6. (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive;

    "passersby were dead to our plea for help"
    "numb to the cries for mercy"

  7. devoid of physical sensation; numb;

    "his gums were dead from the novocain"
    "she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth"
    "a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities"

  8. lacking acoustic resonance;

    "dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs"
    "the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio"

  9. not yielding a return;

    "dead capital"
    "idle funds"

  10. not circulating or flowing;

    "dead air"
    "dead water"
    "stagnant water"

  11. not surviving in active use;

    "Latin is a dead language"

  12. lacking resilience or bounce;

    "a dead tennis ball"

  13. out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown;

    "a dead telephone line"
    "the motor is dead"

  14. no longer having force or relevance;

    "a dead issue"

  15. complete;

    "came to a dead stop"
    "utter seriousness"

  16. drained of electric charge; discharged;

    "a dead battery"
    "left the lights on and came back to find the battery drained"

  17. devoid of activity;

    "this is a dead town; nothing ever happens here"

  1. quickly and without warning;

    "he stopped suddenly"

  2. completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers;

    "an absolutely magnificent painting"
    "a perfectly idiotic idea"
    "you're perfectly right"
    "utterly miserable"
    "you can be dead sure of my innocence"
    "was dead tired"
    "dead right"

deadbeat n. <俗>赖债不还的人,游手好闲者;
deaden vt. 抑制 (感情),缓和 (疼痛);减弱 (声音);
deadening n. 隔音材料; v. 抑制 (感情),缓和 (疼痛)( deaden的现在分词 );减弱 (声音);
deadeye n. 三孔滑轮;神枪手;三孔滑车;
deadfall n. 陷阱的一种,一堆交错倒下的树木;
deadhead n. 免费乘客,免费入场者;沉材;铸头;枯立木;
deadlight n. 舷窗盖;中墙板;
deadline n. 最后期限;截止期限;死线;原稿截止时间; vt. 通过设定一时间期限来统治;
deadlock n. 僵局;停顿,停滞;没有弹簧的锁; vt. 停顿;相持不下; vi. 成僵局;
deadly adj. 极端的,非常的;致命的,致死的;非常有效的;如死一般的; adv. 极其,非常;死了一样地;
deadpan n. <俚>无表情的脸;
deadwood n. 枯枝,碎屑,朽木;死木;

dead dipping 在金属雕刻中,将金属浸入酸液使其失去表面光泽的过程;
dead hours 半夜三更,夜深人静;
dead freight n. 空舱费;
dead flour 发力小的面粉;
dead-set adj. 坚定不移的,决心的;
dead knife 底刀,固定刀片,死刀;
dead picture 呆板的画,无趣味的画;
dead stock n. 呆滞商品,农具;滞销品;
dead duck n. 必然要完蛋的人;
dead tide 最低潮;
dead wheel 固定齿轮;
dead abutment 隐蔽式桥台,止推轴承;
dead banking 长期封炉(封炉至炉料完全冷却);
dead lever 固定杠杆;
dead leg 盲管段;
dead book <非正>(停业公司的)登记簿;
dead syncope [医]尸厥;
dead vaccine [医]死疫苗;
dead body 死体;尸身;尸体;死尸;
dead axle 静轴,不转轴,从动轴;
dead oil 重油;
